Carli Remington

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I banged my forehead on the steering wheel. Why. Why. Why?!

I glance up at the large iron gates separating me from West Coast Estates.

"There is absolutely no way we're getting in." I whispered to myself. "Why didn't I think of this before?" I groaned and continued to bang my head on the steering wheel.

Eli propped his feet up on the dashboard. "Oh, we're getting in alright."

I narrowed my eyes. "First of all, there's no way they'll let you in wearing that shirt." I pointed to the black t-shirt he was wearing with a naked lady printed across his chest.

"Hey, I happen to love this shirt!"

I ignored him. "Second of all, it's" I looked down at my watch. "2:45 in the morning. And third of all, there's a gate!"

Eli unbuckled his seat belt and climbed out of the car. I followed close behind.

"What are you-"

He pulled a toothpick out of his pocket and started picking the lock.

"Eli, you can't-"

"What was that again?" he held open the gate.

I stood outside of the now open gate lamely as Eli sauntered through the entrance right past two men who were guarding the door.

"You coming, Lacy?" he shouted from the porch steps.

I huffed and followed.

There was a party in full swing.

And I don't mean the red carpet-black-tie-dress-to-the-nines kind of party. This was the type of party Eli Wesley would have no problem getting into. This was red-solo-cup-beer-pong party. This was the kind of party Carli Remington wouldn't dream of throwing.

I turned around. "Eli, stay close..." I trailed off when I realized he wasn't behind me.

Well this is great. I can't find Eli and there's no way in hell I'm going to find Carli in this mass of people!

I gravitate towards the bar, praying that somehow Carli will end up there sooner or later. I pull out the crinkled paper and review my list once again.





My heart sped up at the last name.

Asher Michealson.

Asher Michealson.

Asher Michealson.

Whoever created this list must have really had it out for me.

"You look like you're in need of a drink."

I quickly slid the paper back in my pocket and looked up.

"The names Quincy." He did one of the nods that only guys do. "Can I get you a beer?"

I quickly shake my head no. Not in the mood to get caught for underage drinking. "No, but you can help me with something." I lowered my voice.

He leaned forward suggestively.

"Do you know where I can find Carli Remington."

His face fell when he probably realized the last thing I wanted to do was get my freak on with him.

"Not sure." He shrugged just as a tall girl slid onto the bar stool next to me.

She snapped at Quincy to bring her a strawberry margarita and turned her attention towards me.

"Why the hell are you here." She glared at me. "I thought we were done with each other." She tossed her sunshine colored hair behind her shoulders.

I tapped the table rhythmically with my nails and sighed. "So did I."

Quincy came back with a tall sweating glass of hot pink slush while I continued to talk.

"I need your help. The school is dropping the funding for the drama department."

Carli took a sip of her drink and turned her eyes upwards as if she was thinking. "And why does this concern me?"

We both knew she had the money and influence to drastically change things.

"You owe me." I whispered. "The least you do is this."

Her indifferent façade crumbles and she sets her drink down. "Lacy, look, I didn't-" she looks like she wants to say something but decides against it and sighs. "Fine. I'll help."



Eli was already back in the car sitting shotgun with his feet propped up on the dashboard munching on fancy party snacks. Carli shuffled stiffly into the back center seat and folded her hands neatly into her lap.

I opened the driver's door as Eli was rambling on with a mouth full of food. "You know for a bunch of rich bastards, they sure know how to throw a pretty good party." He looked at the pastry in his hand and turned around to look at Carli. "Props to the chef." He gave her a wink a returned to his original position.

"Eli Wesley is riding with us!" She looked at me with disbelief. "You never used to-"

I cut her off. "Yeah, well you wouldn't know, would you?" My voice was icy and Eli stopped chewing to look between Carli and I.

I ignored his look and pulled out the crumpled piece of paper to cross off Carli's name.





Eli ripped open a bag of Doritos before asking 'Where to next?'

"781 Canoe Boulevard." I replied.

"Isn't that where the weird girl lives?" Carli inspected her nails.

"Heard she has a pretty nice body." Eli smirked suggestively.

Carli snorted in disgust. "You sure we can't just leave him on the side of the road?" she looked at me.

Eli turned around and got in her face. "You sure we can't just leave him on the side of the road?" He mimicked in a snotty baby voice.

I turned up the radio to block the sound of their bickering and sped away.

Good god, I hope I wasn't making a mistake.

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