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Hadrian pov

After leaving Harry with Harlod I went to Alan.

Alan I have some work for you and I am sure you will not disappoint me.

Yes Sir he replied

I gave him some files and explained to him about our doubts and suspicion. Well Harlod is using his measure to find out the truth from Vernon but I am not going to sit quietly.

Hadrian!! Can you pwease take me to the park. I heard Harry asking as he come running to me and hugged my legs tightly with Harlod not far behind. I gently picked him up in my arms.

Baby how many times we have said not to run. You will get hurt munchkin. I said in a gentle but stern  voice.

Sorry Bubba he replied with a pout.

It's ok munchkin just don't do it again I said as I picked him up and booped his nose

He giggled cutely and smuggled into my chest.

Sir! We heard a voice and turned around to see the guards standing on the doorway. I gently passed Harry to my twin as I went to meet them.

Master Harry has a magical guardian and you will not believe who it is. He is the one who left master Harry there in that hellhole

I suddenly felt anger in my veins stop talking nonsense and tell me the name. I snapped angrily.


That old man is dead. Start preparing his Grave I ordered them sternly.

There is something more. They looked at each other nervously and suddenly passed me a file. Little master is quite adventurous. They chuckled softly which quickly subsided as I glared at them

The file was of Harry's first year.....

After reading the file my first instinct was to pull out my hair. My baby is trouble maker and magnet.

He is definitely need to have some discipline.

Oliver pov.

Allaaaannn plllleeeeeaaassseeee. I whined for millionth time. He was packing his bag for some mission and I also wanted to go. It's not that I don't like staying here but I also want some adventure. I whined for 15 minutes when I saw Harlod coming inside the room with Harry in his arm. I quickly stopped my tantrum and smiled sheepishly.

Alan are you ready? Harley asked while Alan closed the zip of his jacket.

Harry looked at him with his cute doe eyes. It was like him telling not to go.

Alan kissed his cheek and told him that he will come back soon. He then give me quick hug asked me to behave. I pouted and gave him a nod.

I sighed sadly and took Harry from Harlod. He is the only one who can boost my mood right now. I hugged him gently as he snuggled into me.

Oliver take care of him for sometime. I will go and see what that idiot is doing.

Bubba smart bubby idiot. Harry mumbled cutely and I let out a chuckle.

I saw Harlod glaring at me.

What! I didn't say anything I tried to act innocent.

Baby brother behave for Ollie.  He ordered sternly and then went away from there.

I set Harry on the bed and we started talking about quidditch. He loved it just like me and I am glad about it.

Author note

In next chapter some secrets are going to be revealed.

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