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Harry pov.

Everything hurts....but at the same time it doesn't. I opened my eyes but slowly let out a whimper because of how bright it was.

"Harry baby" I suddenly heard a soft voice calling me. It was so tender that I couldn't believe it. But I didn't open my eyes. I felt myself getting carried and embraced in a warm hug. I wanted to get out but this felt really good so I snuggled into him more.

Baby Boy can you try opening your eyes. I promise no one will hurt you now.

I slowly opened my eyes only to look at a pair of twins holding me. I was shocked. Who are you Sir? I whispered softly.

My name is Harlod and I am Hadrian baby. We are your older brothers.

I was now in complete shock

B.. brothers I don't have brothers

Of course you have brothers silly. We are your brothers.

Hadrian pov
It has been four hours. Harry has still not woken up. Suddenly I saw him opening his eyes but immediately shuting them up and letting out a whimper. I quickly picked him up in my lap and hide his face in my chest Harlod started rubbing his back and dim the lights. He asked Harry to open his eyes slowly. Mama's eyes that' what we realised when we saw them. He looked so confused and whispered about who we were?

We introduced ourselves one by one and told him we are his brothers. The look on his face was just priceless.
I just hugged him tightly and put him back on the bed. We sat beside him and started stroking his hair.

Little one you need to rest for a while. When you will wake up. We will explain everything. Harlod said softly.

Harlod pov.
After Harry slept. I turned to Hadrian. I am going to kill them. How dare they touch him There is enough blood in my hand to drown them. The rage was evident in my voice. Hadrian sighed and replied that he also wants to kill them but right now Harry is his first priority. I agreed and nodded.

Masters A guard came an bowed in front of us.

Yes Alan!

Master Oliver is here.

Yes yes it's Oliver Wood. The quidditch captain. But what is he doing here?

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