Lost in Time 4

80 1 9

How would you guys like it if i just post like... very short chapters but more often. Because apparently thats all im capable of. this is like 300 words but considering my one year plus radio silence on wattpad this is an improvement whoo. 

"Testing, testing."

"Would you STOP that?" Brynne snaps at Arjuna, who is as we'd previously assumed, absolutely insufferable.

So here is the rundown of what happened. Firstly we all got some potions from the Night Bazaar shoved down our throats (courtesy of Boo) to heal all our various injuries. We found out that these dweebs could hear us when we use our mind link, but they can't talk to each other using the it (because it's ours I assume). However, they can talk to us through it. It sucks.

It sucks even more because Boo realised that this is a 'perfect opportunity' for our training. Since our scuffle back on the street made him realise how easily we could be overpowered, he thought training with these guys was a brilliant plan. We had other thoughts.

Mini, ever the smart one, supplied," No, we'd all probably develop a high blood pressure and we'll all die."

"I second that point," I offer, raising my hand.

"I've made up my mind, just think, under their tutelage how much you'll learn and grow!" Boo flapped around," They can teach you, you can spar together, find weaknesses and overcome them and overall fight better because they can communicate with you non-verbally!"

"Yeah, no. You realise that these are all little girls right?" Arjuna objected.

"See what I mean," Mini huffed, annoyed," this is what we get when we want guys from another century to helps us. Misogyny."

"Misoga- what now?" The Pandavas (not us yet again) asked confused.

"I can't deal, I wanted ice-cream, I'm out," Brynne said, standing up.

"Same," the potatoes all said in unison as we grabbed our wallets and basically ran out.

Ice-cream, here we come.

This is a filler chapter obviously, the next one is gonna be the potatoes talking about these guys at the icecream place (which is gonna be a froyo place because froyo tastes better) 

question: ice cream or fro-yo? and whats your favourite flavour in each? (mines cookies n cream for ice cream and froyo its sweet cream or birthday cake batter)

kay luv ya byee

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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