Chapter 1: Michael Joseph Jackson

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After almost a year and a half of touring worldwide to promote his “Bad” album, Michael Jackson finds himself finally in a black limousine, driving back to the Hayvenhurst estate. At 30, Michael had never thought of living independently on his own and move out of his parent’s home. He felt as though he was still a child and was still young enough to “stick-around” with his parents. All of his siblings had moved out of the mansion and had gotten married. But not Michael. He still wasn’t ready for commitment and as far as he was concerned, he was committed to his work. Although Joseph, his father, gave him a hard time and harassed him both physically and emotionally, he still didn’t want to leave. It was a mystery why he didn’t want to move out considering the frequent beatings he had gotten from his father. Yes, beatings. As far as Joseph was concerned, his children were never old enough to discipline.



Staring at the tinted black windows of the limousine, Michael watched as they drove past a crowd of screaming fans holding up posters and screaming the name of their idol. Michael couldn’t help but smile. He remembered those nights when he performed in front of a sea of people just screaming and adoring him. He truly loved his fans and gave them the best show he could possibly give them. ‘So how was the tour Mike?’ Bill, his longtime bodyguard and friend asked, interrupting his thoughts. Michael looked at him and gave a cheeky smile. ‘Great, I guess. It was really exhausting with all the travelling and stuff. Oh and guess what? I got to meet Princess Diana when she came to the show in Wembley!’ Michael exclaimed excitedly. ‘Oh cool! What was she like?’ Bill asked enthusiastically. ‘She’s just really kind and very sweet. I decided to cancel “Dirty Diana” from the show ‘cause I thought it might offend her and people will think the song’s about her but she went backstage before the show and told me that “Dirty Diana” was her favorite song!’ Michael chuckled. Bill laughed. ‘So the song ended up being part of the show?’ he asked. Michael nodded with a huge grin. He hadn’t told anyone that he had a huge crush on her. After the show, they exchanged phone numbers and had long phone conversations. Princess Diana told him about her problems with the media and that she couldn’t seem to get away from them. They confided in each other and Michael was surprised that he had a lot in common with her. He knew that he could trust her and he considered her a close friend of his. Through the rest of the trip, Bill and Michael talked about his worldwide tour. Bill was supposed to accompany Michael on the tour but he broke his arm when he tried to protect Michael from being mobbed by the fans after performing at an awards show. ‘How’s your arm by the way?’ Michael asked with concern. ‘Gettin’ better. Doctor says he’ll remove the cast after a week or so’ Bill explained as he gently patted his right arm in a cast.

‘Thank God. Look I’m really sorry about-‘

‘It’s not your fault Mike. Don’t worry about it. I was just doing my job’ Bill cut him off. Ever since the “accident”, Michael couldn’t help but feel he was to blame at what happened to his friend.



It was another hour before they arrived at The Jackson’s Residence. By now it was already 1 in the morning and Michael had fallen asleep in the backseat. They parked in the driveway and Bill woke Michael up. ‘Mike, wake up. We’re here’ Bill said softly as he shook his shoulders gently. Michael slowly opened his eyes and sat back down. His curly jet black hair was disheveled as he put on his black fedora. He walked out of the car and felt the chilly November air. ‘Thanks for the ride fellas’ Michael waved as Bill and the chauffer drove off. Michael walked into the house and found that the lights were all turned off. It was pitch black inside. ‘Hello?’ Michael said softly as he struggled to find the light switch. Suddenly, the lights turned on as the Jackson family yelled “Surprise!”. Everyone, even the Jackson siblings and their own families, came to surprise Michael for his homecoming and congratulate him for the huge success of his tour. Everyone was in high spirits except Joseph, who was staring at Michael icily. ‘Welcome home sweetie!’ Katherine exclaimed cheerfully as she walked to Michael and gave him the biggest hug ever. She missed her son dearly. Joseph just stood there and glared at Michael. Katherine nudged him gently. ‘Joe, go and say something to your son’ she whispered to him. ‘I ain’t got no time for this Kate! I’m goin’ to bed’ Joseph spat out. And with that, he walked upstairs to the master bedroom and slammed the door behind him. Michael looked at his mother with a pained expression. He could not understand why his father was being so harsh to him after all he had done for him. ‘Oh honey, I’m so sorry about your father. He’s had a rough week’ Katherine said, trying to comfort her son. Michael only nodded. ‘I guess I’ll never get to understand him’ he thought. After all the commotion and talking, everyone (except Joseph) gathered in the dining room as Katherine prepared Michael’s favorite dish: fried chicken and mash potatoes. As Katherine served the meal, Michael immediately grabbed a piece of chicken and took a huge bite out of it. ‘Wow mother! I really missed your cooking! I was gettin’ tired of those hotel meals!’ Michael exclaimed with his mouth filled with food. ‘Thank you dear. But you really shouldn’t talk with your mouth full’ Katherine scolded in a motherly fashion. ‘Hey Mike! You really got yourself some hot mama!’ Jermaine exclaimed as he put some mash potatoes in his mouth. Michael raised an eyebrow and looked at his brother curiously. ‘What are you talking about?’ he asked. ‘Y’know, the girl you kissed on stage during one of your shows?’ Ooh, she’s one foxy mama!’ Jermaine laughed as Hazel (his wife) nudged him in the ribs. ‘Ow!’ he exclaimed. Michael’s face immediately turned scarlet from embarrassment. ‘Hey Mike, did you ever have kissy sessions backstage?’ Tito teased as he made a kissy face to tease Michael. All of the brothers laughed except for Michael who was getting redder by the second. ‘Hush! The children upstairs are sleeping! Don’t tease your brother like that!’ Katherine scolded. ‘She’s not my girlfriend. I swear, I didn’t even expect she was gonna do that!’ Michael protested as he looked down at the table, embarrassed. ‘Yeah right’ Jermaine said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.



After eating, they all said goodnight to each other and went to their own rooms. The Jackson siblings were allowed to stay for the night and sleep in the guest rooms. As Michael headed upstairs to his bedroom, he didn’t even bother to change his clothes and plopped on his bed. He stared at the ceiling and thought about the shows he’d performed lately. The way Tatiana kissed him on stage didn’t even have an effect on him. He wondered why. Was he really that numb now? Anyways, after that “incident” on stage, Frank Dileo immediately kicked Tatiana out of the tour because of her “unprofessional behavior”. He wondered when he would truly feel for someone. He wondered what it felt like to love and be loved. He had no idea that what his parents would tell him would change his life forever…



Meanwhile in Joseph and Katherine’s bedroom…

‘I can’t believe you Joseph! How can you be so insensitive like that?! You could have at least told him how proud you are that he finished the tour! Aren’t you happy for him?!’ Katherine stated angrily at her husband. ‘Kate, that boy don’t need no gratitude! This is strictly business!’ Joseph stated firmly. ‘All you care about is money Joe! Couldn’t you be happy for your son just for once?!’ she exclaimed. ‘Hey hey, okay. I’m sorry Kate. It’s just that… I don’t know if he’s gonna like what we’re gonna tell him’ Joseph said calmly. Katherine began to calm down and lay next to her husband. She snuggled into his arms and nodded. ‘I know. Well… he’s going to have to accept it whether he likes it or not. I’m just worried that we’re not doing the right thing’ Katherine said softly, closing her eyes. Times like this were very rare between them. They were often very busy and almost had no time with each other. But when they did find that special time together, it was very sweet and memorable. Joseph looked down at his wife. Although there were times they would argue, he still loved her very much. She was, after all, his wife for almost 20 years now, and the mother of his 9 children. He smiled and kissed her gently on the forehead. ‘I know this is difficult for the boy Kate. But we’ve gotta tell him. He has no choice and as far as I’m concerned, neither do we. The deal’s done and that’s that’ Joseph said. ‘I’m afraid you’re right. I just hope we’re doing the right thing’ Katherine said worriedly, looking up at Joseph with wide eyes. ‘Trust me Kate. He needs this’ he said. Katherine nodded and kissed her husband’s cheek. They lay in bed and thought about their son’s future as they took the situation in their own hands. They closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep……. <3

Fixed Marriage [A Michael Jackson Fan Fiction] ♥Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon