Chapter 9: The Shock Of Her Life

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Michael had a huge grin on his face when he came home to his frantic mother. Katherine swiftly ran into her son’s arms and hugged him tight as though she never wanted to let go. ‘Oh sweetheart, I was so worried! Are you alright? Where have you been?’ Katherine asked worriedly as she checked on her son. ‘Mother, don’t worry about me. I’m fine’ Michael replied cheerfully with a goofy grin on his face. ‘Are you sure?’ she asked, concerned. ‘Positive. Now go get some sleep Mother. It’s late and I don’t want you worrying about your 30 year old son’ he laughed. Katherine raised an eyebrow and looked at her son skeptically. ‘Are you sure you’re alright dear? You seem happy and not that I’m not glad about that, but it’s creeping me out’ she pretended to shiver and they both laughed. ‘I’m okay Mother, really. I just made a new friend today’ he replied with a cheeky smile. ‘That’s great honey! I’m glad you had someone to talk to. You rarely go out and I’m starting to worry’ she said sweetly. Michael only nodded and returned his mother’s smile. ‘I’m surprised though. I had a lot in common with her. She’s very sweet and wonderful’ he said shyly. ‘A lot in common huh? Like what?’ she asked curiously. ‘Well, for one thing, she understands the whole situation I’m in right now. The arranged marriage. She’s been fixed in one too’ he explained. Katherine’s eyes grew wide. She gulped the lump she felt growing in her throat. Could it be that he had met his future wife without even knowing who she was? She wanted to ask Michael what his new friend was like but she didn’t want to sound too suspicious. Instead, she only nodded. ‘That’s wonderful knowing that someone else understands you sweetie. What’s her name?’ she asked. ‘That’s just it Mother. I forgot to ask her. She mouthed something to me but I didn’t understand it’ Michael said disappointingly. Katherine watched as her son talked about the friend he had just met that night. She noticed that there was a slight glow in his eyes as he talked about her. She became concerned. What if he grew too attached to his new “friend” that he might forget that he was already going to be married soon? Would he cling to his new “companion” and rebel with her and Joseph? Had he built a connection with this person? There were so many questions in her head. ‘Aww. Well, let’s just hope you’ll get to meet her again soon’ Katherine smiled as she kissed Michael lightly on the cheek. She proceeded to walk upstairs when she snapped her fingers as though she remembered something. ‘Oh! By the way dear, I need you to cancel all of your meetings and appointments tomorrow’ she said at the foot of the stairs. Michael looked at his mother in disbelief. ‘Mother, you know I can’t. Frank and I are going to plan on a follow-up album after BAD’ he grumbled like a little boy forcing his mother to buy him a new toy. ‘Michael, this is really important and I need you to be here tomorrow. Please?’ Katherine begged. Michael sighed. He knew he couldn’t say no to his mother. ‘Alright. But this better be important’ he replied. Katherine smiled. ‘Great. Now go to bed before Joseph gets here’ she said. There was a hint of sadness as she mentioned Joseph’s name. She knew all too well he was out there causing trouble again but she knew better than to just keep her trap shut. Michael could see clearly that his mother was hurt. He hated to see her upset. He promised himself that he would never treat his future wife the way Joseph was treating Katherine. He respected women and knew that without his mother, he wouldn’t be here either. ‘I’ll be up soon Mother. Don’t worry about me’ he gave her a slight smile. He watched as she slowly made her way upstairs. ‘Mother?’ he said softly, his voice barely a whisper in the room. ‘Yes dear?’ Katherine replied, halfway up the second landing. ‘I was just wondering… could it be possible that the girl I just met could be my future wife?’ he asked shyly. ‘We’ll just see dear’ was all she replied as she continued to climb the stairs. She stood by the doorway for a moment, watching him. ‘Goodnight’ she called out to him downstairs and closed the door behind her. Michael stood there for a moment, motionless. There were so many questions in his head. Why did his mother want him to cancel his plans for tomorrow? What was going to happen tomorrow that was so important? If this was a joke, he was certainly not going to buy it. As if snapped back to reality, he began to make his way to his bedroom. He closed the door softly behind him and began to undress, leaving nothing on but his red silk boxers. He lay down on his bed and pulled back the covers. Michael reached for the telephone on his bedside table and called Frank. He answered on the second ring. ‘Hello?’ Frank said in a somewhat sleepy voice. ‘Frank, it’s Mike’ Michael whispered into the phone. ‘Mike! What’s the big deal calling me at 2 in the morning?!’ Frank burst out. Michael glanced at the clock on his bedside table. 2:01 am. ‘Oops. Should’ve checked the time before calling’ he thought to himself and covered his mouth to suppress his giggles. ‘I’m sorry, but for God’s sakes calm down! There no need to shout y’know’ he replied. ‘Anyway, what do you need?’ Frank asked in a somewhat annoyed tone. ‘I need you to cancel all my appointments and meetings for tomorrow’ he said. ‘What?! Mike, you know we have to do a follow-up on your BAD album. We need you in the recording studio tomorrow’ Frank replied. ‘But Frank, this is important. Mother told me so and you know I can’t say no to my mother’ Michael explained. Frank sighed loudly into the phone, exasperated. ‘More important than making your album number one?’ Frank teased. ‘I don’t know. But I just need to be here tomorrow. I can’t let Mother down’ he protested. ‘Whatever you say Mike. But remember what I told you. The longer you delay making this album, the longer the delay of the album release’ Frank warned. ‘I know Frank. But I still work at home and you know that’ he replied. ‘And besides, I’ve already finished some demos. I’ll send them to you tomorrow’ he defended. ‘Whatever you say Mike. I’m going to get some sleep. Goodnight’ Frank said and finally hung up. Michael put back the phone on his bedside table. He propped up on his king-sized bed and stared at the ceiling. ‘This better be important. I ain’t pissing Frank for nothing. If this is a joke, I’m not taking it’ he thought to himself. He closed his eyes and only one person came to mind. Those bright blue eyes that shone like stars. Those blonde curls that perfectly framed her sweet, angelic-like face. He immediately opened his eyes and sighed. ‘What is this girl doing to me? I barely even know her and yet, she has a different effect on me. She’s unlike any other girl that I’ve met before. She’s different. And I like that about her’ he smiled to himself as he got up and walked to his window. The moon was full and it was shining brightly. The soft light gleamed at his perfectly sculpted face. He couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t explain what he was feeling. Something inside him wished that the lady he had just met tonight would be his future wife. He felt a connection with her that he had never felt with anyone before. But he knew that it was impossible. There were billions of girls around the world. Who knew which one of them could be his better half…?

Fixed Marriage [A Michael Jackson Fan Fiction] ♥Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon