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"Y-your what?" he stuttered

"Pregnant" I replied for the 15th time 

After I told him the first time, he just kept repeating that same line over, and over, and over again. 

"Is it mine?" he asked

"Why in the hell would you ask that...of course it's yours you dumbass that is the first thing I said" I replied

"How are we going to support it? Do you want to keep it? How are our parents going to react?" he said

"One...it is not an it, two...I have a trust fund big enough to last until I am 45, three...I do want to keep it, but if you don want to it's fine, and four...my dad is probably going to beat your ass but they cant get mad seeing the ages they had their children."

"I-I want to keep them...I-I want to be a dad" he said

"I am glad, but we need a plan" I said with a sigh at the end


"Like where are the babies going to live? Who takes the babies on what days? How we are going to finish high school? Should one of us get an apartment? Is Emma going to support you? Ya know stuff like that basically" I responded


"I am just five weeks so we have time until the babies come, but it is a good thing to plan ahead so we know what to expect and so we are prepared for situations" I said

The room stayed silent for a while until Jay decided to break it

"I am happy it is was you"

"Huh?" I said breaking out of my trance of coming to realization that I am going to be a mother

"I am happy that you're the mother" he repeated "You are so kind, funny, smart, pretty, the traits that I really want in my child"

I smile, but my happiness was soon replaced with sorrow and anger when the thought of Emma popped in my head. I hope she doesn't want to be in my child's life.

"Why did we stop acting really close right after Emma came into your life?"I said breaking him out of his thoughts

"I guess because Emma got mad when I did, and I wanted my relationship to work out with her, I wanted this relationship to finally work" he said 

"Oh"I said and we sat in silence

---                 ---

I was finally home and was ready to call my parents and tell them the news. To say I was nervous was a huge understatement. My whole body was practically shaking more than a vibrator. I took a few breaths and picked up my phone, scroll through my contacts and hit the call button.

"Hello? Anna? "

"Hey dad"I say starting to cry

"What's wrong? Why are you crying"

"I made a mistake"

"What happened?"

"I'm pregnant with Christopher's babies" 

There is silence on the other side until the emptiness was filled with rustling and the sound of bags moving.

"I am coming back to the house. When I get there you are going straight to the abortion clinic and taking that thing out of you" he says

"Dad, I am not giving up on my babies. I want to have them, and anyways didn't you and mom have Jacob at 16? You were younger than me" 

"And I wanted your mother to abort him but I was forced by my parents to have him"

"and yet you had 5 other kids at a young age as well"

"If you are not going to listen to my instructions and chose to ruin my reputation then I am kicking you out of my house. I will wire you all of your trust fund but don't ever come back"

"Dad- cmon please don't do this to me"

"And don't ever think about contacting your siblings" he says before he hangs up the phone

I start to break down and cry. I have never felt this hurt since my best friend died. Me, Marie, and Janelle was all a trio. One day me and Janelle got into this huge argument over some boy and when I started screaming at the top of my lungs she ran out of my house and into the street when a car hit her. The ambulance tried their best to save her but it was too late. I always blamed myself for her death.

I had developed an eating disorder to try to look like her and be skinny like her. I wore more makeup to make me look, what I thought was, prettier. I lost my virginity to a random guy in my school at the McDonalds bathroom. I took up drinking and started developing a habit. My father just told me to stay away from him until I am more presentable so his reputation wont get ruined.

To this day I still ask my mom why she is still with this man, but she says she is afraid to have an unsuccessful marriage. I was dumbfounded at first because she chose a man over the children that she birthed, but then I quickly got over it. 

After the slamming door broke me out of my thoughts I started rushing around in my room to grab all my clothes. Ill hire a moving company to take the rest of my stuff when I find somewhere to stay. I then grab all my sneakers, heels, etc. in a separate suitcase and grab my coats with my hand. I take the suitcases and try my best to carry them down the stairs. I see Marcus and try my best to ignore him coming down the stairs. 

When I am finally about to leave out the door, I get stopped by this figure in front of me. 

"Why are you leaving?" says Marcus

"Dad kicked me out" I say after a second of hesitation


"B-because I am pregnant with..you know Chris right?" He nods his head "I am pregnant with his baby, dad told me to abort it, when I said no he kicked me out and told me he will wire my trust fund."

"That is fucking bull"he says, I sometimes forget that he is 13 "They literally had Jacob at what? 16? What did mom say"

"Nothing, as always and I knew she was in the background because dad never lets her out of her sight. But he told me not to talk to you guys so I gotta go before the security catches us. I love you bubba bear" I say using the nickname I made for him when I was 12.

I exit the house and go over to my car. I hop in and start driving. Oh how much I hate my fucking father. 


Hey guys! Here is the chapter a day early

What do you think about the new things we learned about Annabella? Do you stan Bella and Jay? Should Annabella's brothers do something for her since her father is a dick? Do you guys have questions that need to be answered? 

Comment your answers/questions

Teaser: new places and new friendships

Words: 1154

Best friend's brother and his babies (In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now