It has been 3 weeks and me and Aspen have been on a couple of more dates here and there, I have also learned a lot about him. He has 6 Tattoos, one for each of his 5 sisters. He had a younger brother that died when Aspen was 8 so he got another tattoo in honour of him. His favorite color is Green and he has always been wanting kids. 

I feel like things have been going great between the two of us, and I am starting to develop real feelings for him. 

While between me and Chris, We have talked here and there mostly about the babies and how they are doing. He is coming with me today along with Aspen to the babies check up. Yes you heard me right...Aspen is coming, he said he is interested in going, seeing how that is going to be him with me later in life. Yes I blushed, and Yes I did my awkward laugh but I can't help it.

Lately I feel like me and Marie have been drifting apart seeing as we barely talk. But when we do we make the most of it. I know she has been seeing someone b/c of the pictures I see in her post. There is always this guy in the photos but she never shows his face which is kind of weird but whatever it's her life you know. When I told her about the Clementine situation she was anything but happy. We actually had a whole argument about it but she eventually apologized and hugged it out with me. 

---               ---

"Hey Aspen Thank you for coming!" I say in the parking lot of the clinic as he gets out of his car

"I wouldn't miss it for the world my love" He says opening his arms to embrace me for a hug

And that is what I do, I make my way in his arms as he closes them around me in a warm embrace. I thought Chris gave the best hugs, but it is honestly Aspen. He just feels like warm, soft Egyptian cotton. I know it's weird to describe him like that but that's how I feel. 

"Ehem" says a masculine voice coming from behind us

Me and Aspen quickly spread apart and look toward where the voice was coming from. Of course it was Chris, ruining any chance I have alone with Aspen.

"Hey Chris" I say kind of dry

"Hey Bell- I mean Anna" He said "Aspen" he nods looking his direction

"Lets go shall we boys" I say making my way through the double doors

---              ---

"Annabella Sylvester?" says the nurse after 20 minutes of awkward silence between the boys

Aspen takes his hand off my leg and stand up, offering a hand to help me up. I take it and follow the nurse to the assigned room for us. Chris takes a seat in one of the chairs towards the wall while Aspen awkwardly stands not knowing where to sit.

"Sit in the chair next to me stupid" I giggle 

He does so while Chris sits with his arms crossed and a huge obvious scowl on his face. I don't know what his problem is. The doctor comes in a few minutes later with a clipboard.

"You are Annabella Right? I am Doctor Chasity" the doctor says

"Yes, it's very nice to meet you" I replied back

"And these to gentlemen are?" 

"My boyfriend and The baby's dad" I say pointing to the two and blushing when I said the word boyfriend 

"Very nice to meet you all" she says and the boys just nod

"Alright, so I am guessing you guys don't know the gender yet am I correct?" Dr. Chasity said

"Yes but my friends really wants to do a gender reveal so do you think you can put the results in an envelope and seal it so I can give it to her?" I ask

"Of course, but first let me make sure the babies are  happy and healthy" 

She takes the stick and pours the cold gel on my stomach. She takes the stick and presses it on my stomach rubbing it around looking at every possible angle of my babies. I just look and stare in amazement. I cannot believe that these are my kids. I cant believe that I am growing them inside my stomach, I am literally 3D printing kids its crazy.

"Would you like to hear their heartbeats?" she asks snapping me out of my thoughts

I nod ridiculously. Once she puts the sound on I hear two overlapping heartbeats and tears start to brim my eyes. They are healthy, safe, I am creating a home for them and they will be my forever. 

---        ---

The appointment finished 30 minutes later because Dr. Chasity was going over labs and asking about my birthing plan and what I would like to do. She also printed 3 copies of the ultrasound photos and gave it to me, Aspen, and Christopher.

When we came out of the clinic I look to see Chris looking at the pictures in awe. I then turn back around to Aspen because he told me he had to tell me something.

"I gotta go to work but thank you for allowing me to come. This made my day 10 times better" Aspen said

"Of course, it's no problem but i'll see you later" I said kissing him goodbye.

He then walks off into his car, driving off. I turn back around to where Christopher was at and seen he was there. I walk over to him causing him to look up.

"Uh-hey Anna" he says

"I hate fighting with you" I say to him

"I hate fighting with you too" he agrees "I am sorry for being so rude and nasty to you, you didn't deserve that. I hate that I let my emotions get the best of me again, but trust me I am working on myself"

"I accept your apology and I really appreciate it. I miss hanging out with you so much" I responded 

We then collided into a warm embrace. Hugging each other's familiar feel. We instantly felt connected. 

But now I gotta talk to Marie and see what is up with her.


Hey guys! I'm Baaaaaack and I am better than ever, I am writing a lot and coming up with a whole bunch of new stories for you guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter that was a long time coming 

How did you feel about this chapter? Any recommendations for the next?



Teaser: Fights

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Best friend's brother and his babies (In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now