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Its been 2 weeks since I have been living with the Adams

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Its been 2 weeks since I have been living with the Adams. My twin, James has been calling and texting non stop asking where I am at, but I can't tell him. My father will take all my money away and I need that to get on my feet.

I unfortunately have school today so I am getting ready. I am barely showing and nobody is able to notice yet so I put on some of my old clothing. It consists of a white spaghetti strap crop top, pink biker shorts, and a pink cropped sweater jacket.

 It consists of a white spaghetti strap crop top, pink biker shorts, and a pink cropped sweater jacket

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I get my keys and head out to the car waiting for Marie to finish getting ready. After about 10 minutes she comes out the door and enters my car. I notice that she has a similar outfit to me but instead of shorts it is a skirt.

 I notice that she has a similar outfit to me but instead of shorts it is a skirt

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"Hey girlie" she says

"Hola chica"

"I feel like we haven't talked or hung out in ages"

"Babe, we literally had a shopping day yesterday, then went to the spa"

"Yeah but that was 12 hours ago, 12 hours too long" she says 

"Whatever mamas" I say as I pull out of her driveway and start heading toward the school

"What do you want to do for your birthday tomorrow" Marie says breaking the silence

"I dunno, I really want to spend it with my brothers and sister but because of my father, that's out of the window so I guess nothing."

"WHAT!" Marie screamed causing me to swerve

"Bitch calm your little ass down" I said

"Yeah but you have to celebrate your birthday...i-it's like the law"

"Bitch stop acting stupid I am not celebrating ok"

"Whatever" she responds pulling out her phone to text someone. 

After about 5 minutes we made it to the school. As I step out I immediately notice Jay's car and see 2 figures inside. Must be Emma. I wonder what she wanted to talk to me about though. As I walk through the double doors I notice more guys than usual looking at me. Listen I am not trying to sound cocky but I usually have guys turning heads everywhere I go if I have sunglasses on. Once they are off though I look like a curvy Ursula.  

I walk to my locker and see my brother behind me, I try my best to ignore him but he just wasn't having it. 

"Why the fuck have you been ignoring me?"

"I can't speak to you James" 

"and why the fuck not?" he said

"because dad told me I can't keep in contact with you and if I do he is not going to give me the money from my trust fund"

"Why did you move out though"

"Because I am pregnant" I said in a whisper "and dad told me that if I don't get an abortion  I have to move out so I moved out"

"who's baby so I know who to beat the fuck up"

"none of your buisness" I said

"whatever, I love you sis and I will buy another phone so we can still keep in touch, twin power?"he says holding out is fist for out handshake

"twin power"i say connecting my fist to his 

My brother then walks away and I turn back around to my locker. When I punch in the code and open it I see a huge stuffed teddy bear, a bouquet of lillies, and a card attached. I grab the card and read the note.

Happy almost birthday princess,

Your going to finally be 18 years old. Throughout today you are going to find notes the has clues inside of them. Each clue will lead to a different destination. When you get the final clue Marie will drive you to the place you need to be at once you solve it correctly. Your birthday surprise will be waiting for you. I hope you like it princesa. 

                                                                                                                             Love, Chris

Oh my fucking god! He called me a princess! and he has a surprise for me! I am so happy I don't think I can focus in class all day today.


What do you think the surprise is going to be? Do you think Emma is going to be there?

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Words: 729

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