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I am on my way to the Adam's house, I had called Marie beforehand and told her the events that unfolded earlier today

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I am on my way to the Adam's house, I had called Marie beforehand and told her the events that unfolded earlier today. She told me that I could stay at her house for as long as I want but, I was already going to, with or without her permission.

She told me that I wouldn't be able to see her until later that night because she is at her piano recital that allowed only two people to go, so of course she invited her mom and her dad. She also told me to guilt trip Jay and make him feel like it was all his fault, I was hesitant to it at first but after she reminded me about all the shit he put me through I decided to go through with it. 

Traffic is really bad right now so it is going to take me longer than usual to get there. I am currently at a red light and crying while listening to Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo. When she talks about him betraying her that is when I cry the most. After all I have been through for Jay and even after I was always there for him he found a way to bring me down and make me feel like crap for some hoe that barley even knows him.

Like they don't know that his lip twitches downwards and his chest goes in and out fast when he is about to laugh. They don't know that he furrows his eyebrows when he is about to say something he knows that he is going to regret. They also don't know that he took me to the 9th grade prom because my date had bailed on me and he dropped his for me. They don't know that we were each other's first kiss when we were 10 years old. They don't know nothing about him not even the small things like his favorite color which he will say is red but if you knew him you would know that it is actually black.

But at the end of the day it is always me getting pushed to the side and forgotten. I hate that he makes me feel so jealous and enraged when he is with someone else but I really just can help it. I need  him I crave him and it's getting to the point where I might just ruin his happiness and tell him how I feel. I am in love with him but if that means that I have to push my feelings to the side and find someone that can love and appreciate me the way that I do him then that is what I will do.

I finally pull up to the driveway and Jay's car is here, letting me know that he is home. I walk up to the pearly white glass doors and knock on them. The door swings open and Emma is there.

"Hey Annabella, I've been meaning to talk to you" she says oddly kind 

"Can I talk to Jay for a moment?" 

"Sure" she says 

A couple moments later Jay is at the door with bags under his eyes and his hair untamed. He must've just woken up.

"Bella, you know you don't have to knock...you're family just come in" he says moving to the side, once I am inside with better lighting on me he finally sees my face and my tear stained cheeks

"Have you been crying Annabella Lynn" he usually says my first and middle name when he wants me to tell him everything

"y-yeah" my voice comes out small

"Why" he says crushing me into a hug

"My father kicked me out and he said I cannot contact my siblings" I say with a sob 

"Shit, come with me" he says holding out his hand and leading me to the room that I say in when I spend the night here. We go in the room, he sits down and pats the seat next to him. He takes out his phone and texts someone a few seconds later Emma says she will see Jay tomorrow and the door opens and shuts.

"Tell me everything" he says with his jaw clenched 

"I called him and I told him that I was pregnant with your babies. He then told me to abort them but I said that I am not giving up on my children. So he told me to get my stuff and leave his house and never contact my siblings again. But I know my mom was next to him because he then said that he will wire me my trust fund. Which can only last until I am 45 and that is including a house and at least 3 cars." I say all in one breath

"He is a bag of shit and a hypocrite, he had JJ at what 16? and he wants to get mad over an accident we are having at 17"

"I know, and that is what got me mad. But I will have to accept it and move on. I am going to go house shopping after my 18th birthday in 2 weeks. I don't know if you would want to stay here or live with me so I know what to-" I said but got cut off

"Of course I will stay with you, I need to take care of you now though because you are heartbroken by your father."

"Thanks Jay, oh I almost forgot my bags are in the car...let me go get them and I will be right back"

"No I will get them where are your keys" he says while I point to the dresser where my keys are on top of. 

The rest of the night consisted of us laughing and bonding like the times before Emma came into the picture, I was seeing the Jay that I have grown to fall in love with.


Hey loves! I am sorry that I didn't post on friday, I will try to post again sometime later this week so stay tuned!

What do you guys think Emma wants to talk about?

Some people have been private messaging me asking what Annabella's mom does and the answer is she owns a chain high chain restaurants and is a influencer as well so she is worth millions hence, why Annabella and her siblings has such a big trust fund

Words: 1055

Best friend's brother and his babies (In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now