Alt. Angel's final messages

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(This is before his illness completely puts him out of his misery and these were his final moments)

Message #1: 

(Instead of trying not to cry at the end, it's a couple coughs signaling his illness before muttering "f**k")

Message #2: 

"Hey, uh....I really don't know how many of these messages I'll make....but I know for da** sure, it's until this illness puts me out of my misery-*coughs before clearing his throat before muttering "ow"* hurts. Anyways, I just finished my will if you would call it. Here's what I got so far. *shuffles papers before reading* 'I entrust my piggy Nugs to Rosie, Mia, Cherri and Charlie.' I had to include that. Who's gonna take care of my little guy when I'm gone? And the next part-*coughs again* F**k! Can't speak today. *reads another page* 'As for my Miraculous, I leave it to Rosie or anyone who knows how to fix the da** thing.' I trust she's looking at whatever book she has that could solve it....*sighs a little*....I really miss Pollen....hopefully she's okay after it gets fixed....well, that's all I got for my will or last message....I'll continue working on it. For now, see ya."

Message #3: 

*Coughs harshly* 

"God dammit....uh, anyway. Hey. Recording another one of these. So....the will is still currently being worked on and....heh, I'm kind of happy that this is happening to me. It's not like I got anything to lose at this point. I lost what I had the minute I overdosed back in 1947. Well, enough being sentimental. Here's what's been going on. I was able to pick-pocket the pocket watch from Cottontail and I was able to hide it in a place where he won't find it. Although, I told Fluff to keep quiet about this. At least they were nice enough to respect my wish-*goes into a whooping cough* Ow....ow....hurts....f**k....aaagh. Well, here's what I got for my will. *shuffles a couple pages before skimming the pages he read* A-ha! 'As for my belongings, I trust them to Cherri and as for the others at the hotel besides Charlie....I leave behind my weapons. I trust they'll take good care of them. Especially my tommy gun.' I better hope they take care of that thing well. It's my favorite weapon. Well, see you later when I get the chance. I promised Rosie that I would meet up with her."

Message #4: 

*Coughing for a couple seconds* 

"F-f**k....sorry, I have NOT been keeping track of the's been what? A-a month? Two months? I-I don't give a sh*t anymore....god....things have not been going so well....not only that my illness got fluff's starting to become a dull grey....I'm losing my pink fade....god dammit....the good thing about it i-is....I-I finished my will....the last parts I-I added were mostly to my sibs....M-Molly and Arackness....I-I'm leaving most of the movies I have to Arackness....a-and as for Molly, my beauty supplies....s-she'll need them....*goes into another whooping cough*....I-I don't much time I have....b-but not long at all....p-p-please....anyone who is's going to be okay....I may not have much time....but y-you all have the time in the world....please....don't do anything stupid....and don't make the same mistakes I made....I-I-I love you guys....*coughs*....sorry I-I didn't say it sooner....hehehehe....may not be my last message....b-but it feels like it....*feels someone squirming into Angel's arms along with some worried oinking*....hehehehe....hey there Nuggsy....worried about daddy....? It's okay....I'm'll be very well taken care of....Rosie loves'll be under her best care....along with Charlie, Cherri and Mia....*scratches his little head in a gentle manner*....I love you...."

Final Message: 

"....Heh....well....this is it....this is really it....I....I only have a few minutes left....g-g-god....I don't have the energy to sit up....i-i-it's okay....I don't really care....*shuffling can be heard and upset and worried oinking is heard*....i-i-it's okay Nugs....daddy's got's long a-as I know you'll be well cared for....I-I'm not worried....I trust those I've listed to take care of you....h-h-hey....Mia....? I-i-if you're listening-*coughs*....I-I-I love you sweetheart....e-even though you were cold to had a reason....o-our powers are slowly destroying us....I-I-I'm not sad....b-because I-I-I'll see you soon....a-and....just have those that support you....and love you....a-a-and Rosie....don't be sad....I-I-I trust you'll do the right thing....e-even when you're full of self-doubt....your brother will support you....*coughs harshly*....A-Arackness....Molly....I-I-I love you two s-so much....y-y-you were the best s-siblings a spider could a-ask for....C-Cherri....y-y-you were my f-favorite girl to party with....I-I-I'll never forget the stunts we pulled....Charlie....d-d-don't give up on your goal to redeem demons....I-I have faith in you....e-e-everyone else at the hotel....y-y-you were cool....a-a-and....g-god....there's o-one more person....C-Cottontail....y-y-you're in the hotel....aren't you....? L-listen....I'm sorry I-I lied to you....a-and stole from you....b-but-*coughs again*....I-I can't let you m-mess up time to bring me back....a-and I-I-I couldn't bare the thought of you w-w-watching me die....i-it would break you....I-I-I know you're brave enough to go on....y-your friends are gonna need ya to carry on your gang....d-d-despite our rivalry....w-w-we had a good run....e-e-e-everyone....whoever is listening....I-I-I love you so much....C-Cottontail....I-I-I hope you forgive me...."

*Goes quiet before Fat Nuggets is heard oinking really confused before it becomes more desperate as he starts bumping Angel to try and get him up before he starts squealing as if he's trying to wake him up....but it's no use as he accidentally presses the stop recording button* 

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