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This fanfiction is dedicated to my long time readers, who were here since 2017 and have been following me since (Your dedication astounds me, seriously, I'm grateful to you all). I understand the confusion that this fanfiction will most likely elicit so I'm going to try my best to explain why I've decided to upload this. 

There have been a few messages from different readers of mine who have been around to see me re-write my 'Draco Malfoy and the Subconscious Conscious' series. These readers who were here from the very beginning. I wrote this fanfiction when I was thirteen, uploaded it at age fifteen and then revisited/re-wrote it all again at nineteen. 

I cringe reading back on the work I made at thirteen. But you guys don't, you actually quite like it. I've been aware that some of you come back to re-read the fic but can't do that anymore because I've changed it. I, personally, believe that I've changed it for the better, but some of you would still like the originals back up. 

So, even though this is hard to read myself... I've decided to re-upload the original. You guys are incredibly lucky that I don't delete any of my work. So, in a singular fanfiction (Sorry, but I refuse to upload each individual chapter) I'll give you my work back. 

I know how agonising it can be to have a favourite fic and then watch it disappear before your eyes. I can't bring myself to do that to you lot, so here it is. 

Thanks for sticking around. 

Now, for the fun part. 

The Originals

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The Originals

Draco Malfoy goes on a time traveling adventure, using the Subconscious Conscious charm in order to reset. He falls back into his eleven year-old body and decides that he's going to protect the wizarding world, try his best to save as many witches and wizards as possible and hopefully, prevent the Second Wizard War. 

The Originals | A Draco Malfoy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now