Till Next Time

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It had been a pleasure writing for the fandom and just reading this back (as much as I could, I skipped a lot of the cringier moments), I am quite proud of it. I remember feeling immense pride when, at the tender age of fifteen, having finished the last chapter how happy it made me. Draco Malfoy is such an interesting character, in fanon, he continues to surprise me with the different headcanons this fandom gives him. 

I absolutely adore him as a character. 

I think, the longer I remain in this fandom (don't worry, I'm not leaving) the more I grow and look towards different characters. Regulus Black, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, the Marauder's era, the 1970s, the pending First Wizarding War-- it's all so much more exciting to me. 

I don't think I'll be writing another Draco Malfoy fanfiction anytime soon. I'm rather content with the fanfictions that I have written. This 'Subconscious Conscious' series, the 'Journal of Regulus Arcturus Black' and even the 'Reconstructed Slytherin Prince.' I think there's only so much Draco-Malfoy-redemption fics I can write before it all feels a bit too repetitive. 

I still plan on writing more for the Harry Potter fandom, but I'm delving into the Marauder's side. There are a lot of controversies that surround Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling and even newer projects (Cursed Child, Fantastic Beasts, Hogwarts Legacy, etc.) and although the Marauder's still technically count as a part of that universe; there is something more fandom and community based about the Marauder's which I much prefer. 

I am planning more fics, outlining the ones I am currently writing and even giving myself little challenges with some prompts. This is all to say, I will continue to write so don't worry. 

It truly has been a pleasure. Thank you for reading this fanfiction and for reading the new, updated version of 'Draco Malfoy and the Subconscious Conscious' series. Thank you for the votes, for the comments, for the silent readers and the readers who have been here since the beginning. I see each and every one of you and really do appreciate you guys. I hope to see you all in my next update. 

Till Next Time~


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