[04] The First Life

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Draco Malfoy and the First Life

Chapter 1

"Number 4... number 4..." I whispered to myself. Finding number four Privet Drive was, I admit, a lot more harder than I originally thought. Why do all Muggle houses look the same on this street? A force pulled me back and I fell over into a puddle. Looking back at what tripped me up, I saw a rock that had caught into the wheel of my grey suitcase. "Of course..." I muttered darkly.

When I looked around my surroundings I saw it. A small gold number '4' metal plate. I found it! I knew I would, yes. Rushing up, I ran to the door and knocked eagerly, awaiting for someone to open the door. Slowly the plain white door opened to reveal the messy haired boy that was Harry Potter. His face brightened eagerly as he saw me, I smiled and opened my arms, to which he jumped into. I spun him around and laughed, "good to see you to Harry!" I chuckled.

"Dray," the shorter boy whispered, he looked up into my eyes and smiled brightly. I leaned down and kissed him, moaning at the sweet taste. I've missed this.

"Boy! Who's at the door?" We let go suddenly and looked over to see a pudgy man waddled his way through a narrow corridor to see us.

"Vernon?" I whispered. Harry nodded, his face paled only the slightest as his uncle finally came out of the door. I composed myself and gave the man a hard stare, the Malfoy way. "Names Malfoy. Draco Malfoy, I'm Harry boyfriend." I could hear Harry gasp and shy away behind me as his uncle looked about ready to explode. Purple veins bulging in his meaty head.

"Darling, who is it?" a thin woman stepped out from behind Vernon looking me up and down. I was wearing some black trousers, a dark green button up and a sleek and tidy coat. She seemed impressed, I was glad. I may hate Malfoy's but I definitely did learn a few things in that Manor, one was to always create great impressions out of thin air. Especially if you have wet mud on your trouser knees.

"This is the freaks boyfriend!" Vernon spat. I could feel my eye twitch, what did he just call Harry?

"Freak?" I whispered clearly in the air. Vernon and his wife paled incredibly as I brought out my wand and pointed it to his throat. "Freak?" I exclaimed, louder. "This, freak is my boyfriend. Also the saviour of the wizarding and muggle community alike. Call him a freak one more time and I won't hesitate to kill." my voice dropping low enough for them to understand.

"Dray..." Harry clasped my hand and rubbed my back, soothing me only the slightest.

"I'll be staying over for two days, so if you'll bring my bags. Oh, and Vernon?" the frightened man tremble, as he turned to look at me, "I don't want to see your face in that time." I smirked as he nodded furiously. I stepped past them and dragged Harry along with me, Harry brought me up to his room blushing slightly.

"So this is my room. It used to be room where Dudley kept his old toys... but it's mine now. So..." Harry looked at me as I took in his room.

"Dudley? Your cousin?" I asked, he nodded. I went over to him and brought him in for a hug. "I've missed this." I confessed.

"How did you- I thought you were with Blaise." Harry asked, tilting his head and looking up at me for an explanation.

"Yeah I don't actually have a good reason to be here. I just remembered how you used to talk about your Aunt's house and how much you hated it-" I waved my arms around, "-here. So I decided to come over, spend two days here with you. Make it less of a hell-hole for you considering you mentioned how your Aunt hates bad impressions. I knew she'd want to make me feel comfortable as a guest even if I am a wizard. So, I decided to come. After all we only get to spend two days here and then the Weasley's come here to take us to the Burrow-"

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