[03] The Marauder's Reunion

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Draco Malfoy and the Marauder's Reunion

Chapter 1

It's my third year into Hogwarts and I'm 19 years-old. Confusing right? My name is Draco Malfoy and I've done some bad things, I've done a lot of bad actually. Stuff that I truly regret, I used the Astral Charm, endangering myself but it was a risk I had to take. Going back in time to my eleven year old self; I befriended Harry Potter and we retrieved the Philosopher's Stone together, just like together we opened the Chamber of Secrets and faced the Basilisks. I almost dematerialized because of the Basilisk's Venom that was slowly entering my system, but I pulled through in time. This year, I'm prepared, I know who betrays who and who to trust for once.

My father, Lucius Malfoy, is planning something in my house which didn't happen last Christmas. I'm afraid I made a butterfly effect, I don't even know how that's going to create a negative effect in the future... past... I'm not too sure anymore. I can't go back home, so for the first two weeks I spent my summer holiday at Blaise Zabini's house who I've grown closer too which is nice because he is my best friend and nothing will change.

I looked over at Ron and smirked in his direction, we were looking over to Percy who was sleeping soundlessly. I crept over to the older Weasley and pointed my wand to his face. I tapped his nose and waited, slowly... so painfully slowly did Percy's Face turn pink. I placed some glasses on his eyes and shoved my fist in my mouth, biting down on my knuckles trying to contain my laughter. Slow heat burn covered his face with the glasses creating a define white outline. Ron came over and laughed so loudly Percy sprung up and looked at the two of us who were sprawled out on the floor with tears running down our eyes. God it felt good to laugh.

"What is the meaning of this? What are you two laughing about?" Percy screamed, this grabbed the attentions of the twins who came in and looked over to Percy's new look. Fred, who I finally could tell the difference on, smirked whilst George nodded.

"Good work."

"Not too shabby."

"Although, I'd-"

"Tone it up a-"

"Bit more." they ended. I nodded and stood up, Ron came up not after long and we wiped our eyes. I clutched onto my stomach and sighed.

"I've hurt my stomach after laughing so much," I sat down on Percy's chair as he ran over to the nearest mirror. George came along and sat in the chair next to, Ron on my other side with Fred on his side. We all sat in a comfortable silence until.

"ARRRGHHH!" which got another round of laughter from us.


I walked over the deserted sand and smiled at the Weasley family who kindly invited me to their trip to Egypt. I looked over through the camera and smiled and as Ron wrapped a friendly arm around my shoulder. We both smiled and I whispered 'Harry' as the camera clicked.

Ron seemed more than happy to make me a part of the family and I was more than happy to be there for the Weasley's. Fred and George helped Ron and I with pranking ideas and Molly was like my second mother. I was currently sitting with Fred, George and Ron in the lounge room as the rest of the family went out sightseeing. I sighed and smiled as Ron and I lay on the carpet relaxing.

"So Draco," George grabbed my attention. I hummed and looked over at the twins who were relaxing on the couches. "Wanna tell us when you're going to ask Harry out?" This seemed to grab Fred and Ron's attention as they all turned to stare at me. My face burned brightly which got them all laughing. I gave a glare and huffed looking at the ceiling.

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