Chapter 1: The Sansverse Team Battle.

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                        It was 14 years ago that they were both killed and they were brought back to life as a Sans Au. Meanwhile in Powertale, a girl named Starseeker was looking up at the stars in the sky. Then all of a sudden, a portal appeared! And coming out was the 2 most common Sans Aus of all, Classic and Red. "Hey there, another Au of me.", said Classic. Starseeker stepped back in fear. He said in a calm voice "It's okay, we won't hurt you. Maybe Red will but I'll stop him." "Here is an invitation to the Sans Team Choosing.", said Classic. He handed Starseeker the invite. "What happens at the event?", Starseeker questioned. Red explained,"It's where new Sans Aus get chosen to be on 2 different teams, The Star Sanses or The Bad Sanses. It is the most important event in all the multiverse. Every Sans Au will be there." "So do you accept? "said Classic with a smile on his face. She said yes. Then in a flash, she was pulled into the portal and sent to a room. There sitting was Wolf Sans or Howler from Wolftale. "Which Au are you and what is the name of your Au?", said Howler all of a sudden. She responded, "I'm Starseeker Sans of Powertale." Then they both heard the announcement for it to begin. They called for Howler. He said to her, "Let me show you how powerful I am." He came into the arena. There on each side was both of the teams. On The Star Sanses team were Blueberry Sans, Ink Sans, and Dream Sans. On the other side was Nightmare Sans, Killer Sans, Horror Sans, Dust Sans, Cross Sans, And Error Sans. Then she saw all the other Sans Aus in the audience. And up in the top of the stadium was Classic and Red Sans. A Chara dummy appeared in front of him. "Begin!", yelled Classic. A burst of flames shook the audience as the dummy came to life and started to try to attack him. The dummy shot red knives at him but Howler slashed every last one of the knives with his red and black wrist claws. Then, an army of Red/Black Shadow Wolf Gaster Blasters surrounded the alive Chara dummy. He closed both his eyes then said, "Kid, do you want to have a bad time? Because you're gonna get it!". All of a sudden, he opened his right hand eye and the pupil grew big and red with a shade of black flame. He let all his Gaster Blasters fire and an explosion filled the whole arena. He stood there, panting and the head of the Chara dummy rolled by his foot. After that, the whole stadium was silent. "S-So, who's gonna take him?" said Classic. Nightmare yelled, "We'll take him!!!". Howler walked over to greet his new teammates but first he said to Starseeker, "Good luck. You're gonna need it.". Then, they called Starseeker. She walked out to the stadium nervous and jittery. When they brought out a new Chara dummy, they made it different. It looked exactly like the boy that shot her! She started to go into a heat of rage. When Classic said go, she teleported and she appeared at the back of the dummy with her sword out. With rage, she started to slash at it with tears in her eyes. But, it dodged every hit she took. It shot a bullet at her. She caught the bullet and it burst into purple flames. She did everything from the book like any Sans Au would do, but different. She shot spear-like bones out of the ground, she did everything but she shot chains from her hands, wrapping the dummy and slamming it up and down the arena. Then she summoned a Gaster Blaster Dragon and it tore the dummy to shreds. After that, the whole arena screamed with amazement from the performance. The Star Sanses chose her and took her in. She looked at Howler with a smirk on her face. That "take that!" face you get from winning something. Howler stuck out his tongue in response to the smirk. And with that, every Sans Au left the arena without making a sound. 

The SansVerse-Book #1: The Powerful NewcomersWhere stories live. Discover now