New city

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A week passed, Shubman was posted in Leh. It was hard for his parents who wanted him to have Punjab Cadre, but was given Ladakh. Ladakh the northern most UT of India, sharing border with China , that means a little unsafe. 

"Man come on we are thinking of going there from so long to go there.." these were the arguments his friends made and he was convinced. "ok I am ready but when?" he asked looking out of the window, Ladakh was beautiful.

"today evening flight as.." Mayank said "but I have not booked yet.." he reasoned "i did for you my bro , thank me later" Abhi informed , he should have known it, if Abhi is eager to go somewhere then no one stop him , he could have .

"sir are you going somewhere?" his driver asked "yes Rin chen can you drop me at airport ?" "sure sir, let me put your bag in the car.." the man walked to car taking the small bag from his hand.

"I have emailed in the office and if someone ask then tell them that I'll be back after two days" and his driver nodded giving him his bag. 

Shubman was half way on the flight and his mind went back to a memory 

"Shubi we will go to Vrindavan.." and Shubman smiled at the shy boy, they were on this one night camp "what will you do there Ishan?" they said boy answered "I want to feel him, they say that's where he spent his childhood, where he fell in love.."  and Shubman promised himself to take Ishan Vrindavan

It took 1 hour for him to reach Delhi and then he hired a cab for Vrindavan (Mathura). After another 2 hours Shubman found himself standing infront of the hotel his friends send him location.

"Hey Shubman how are you my brother" Mayank asked engulfing him in a bone crushing hug, Abhishek joined too. "whoo look at you , you are getting handsome day by day..".

"so what's the plan ahead..?" Shubman asked keeping his bag aside in their shared room. "Temples will be closed at 9 P.M and now the time is six thirty , we can visit some temples.." Abhi suggested and the trio set out . 

Shubman felt something , he felt that oddly familiar feeling he has not felt from last six years. "Radhey Radhey bhaiya tilak lagvalo" a girl said , she was having a box in her hand putting tilak on whoever said yes.

"Whoo it's so crowdy yrr" Mayank said adjusting his glasses, they were in the queue for Banke Bihari temple, the oldest one . Shubman covered Mayank putting an arm around the boy. 

"Banke bihari laal ki ..." and crowd shouted "jai.."  . when they entered the compound from where he stood affirm looking at peoples, some were shouting , pushing each other and some were even crying silently.

In midst of all these Shubman's eyes fell on him, there he was standing closed eyes, tears stained cheeks, hands joined "Ishan" he whispered .

"Shubman don't be sad if he get to know he won't be happy" Mayank said thinking Shubman is sad remembering Ishan. "NO Mayank, Ishan is here .." the tall boy  said "what where Subhi?" Abhi asked and Shubman turned around to look at Ishan back "there..." his words stopped.

"No no no... He can't leave me again.." Shubman whispered his mind running all the possible directions, he tried to look for him through the crowded compound of temple. 

"May be you were hallucinating Shubi.." Mayank said pushing among people. "no no it can't happen .. he was right there wearing that white upper with those mullet hairs of him.. praying to krishna " Tears split out from his eyes, he was angry at himself , frustration catching up . 

"Shubi relax don't worry if Ishan is here then we will surely find him .. " Abhi replied soothing Shubman who was crying by now, they have searched the area around temple but Ishan was nowhere found.

Morning came too slow for Shubman, after having a small breakfast the trio started their hunt, "have you seen this boy sir?" Shubman asked but a girl squealed seeing him "wait you are one the UPSC toppers , Shubman gill" Mayank was there to rescue him "sorry mam but we are in hurry ..." 

The sun was on their head it was 1 P.M , they could not find ishan, not even a single person who saw him. "we should ask in hotels.. it look like he came here like us.." they split in different directions.

Two more hours passed and by Shubman was starting to believe that it was all in his head after all where can he go in one night. "umm I need to ask about this boy named Ishan kishan" Shubman was interrupted by his phone "wait a min sir" the boy at reception nodded.

"What happened Mayank?" and hearing the reply he sprinted off, it took him 15 minutes to reach at the hotel from where Mayank called him. "we found him...." a sigh of relief blew past his lips, his heart started to beat fast .

"but he checked out last night" Shubman's world collapsed, he was too young to suffer it, his shoulders slouched and the glitter in his eyes gone as soon as it  came. 

"what.. what are sayin..g? He asked , his throat heavy. "Sir the boy you are asking about Ishan Kishan checked out last night around 8:45 " "can you give us his no. or any contact information.." Abhi asked "sorry sir I can't , it's against the rules.." Mayank was about to argue when Shubman whispered "let's go guys" and went out.

"Shubi he can give it , we can use your status.."  "but why Abhi why , he clearly ran away, he has seen me and flew away.. why ? It's clear , he don't want any of us in his life , he has moved on , and here we are looking for him from past six years like stupid!" Mayank was frightened by the red eyes of his friend.

"it's clear, he did not want us then and not now... his parents were right, I am going back.." none of them expected things to turn out like this.

Somewhere a boy knocked at the door "coming.." the voice came from inside , opening the door lady found her best neighbourer standing at her door. "Ishan , you came back early ..come inside.." and Ishan did smiling.


Thank you for reading it.

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