Lamdong colony

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"I might be having some pain kink" Shubman thought, checking his watch. He was standing at the same ice cream parlour where he saw Ishan with that kid two times in the last week. 

"Who the hell try to meet their ex's child in their right mind state" he again whispered , looking at the door. Another ten minutes passed no sign of Ishan or that child. 

"let's go Batuhan.. " the said boy nodded, and Shubman stepped out , his face having a dejected look. As soon as he stepped outside someone collided with his knees. 

"owwiieee..." Shubman looked down , his heart jumped, he can't understand the feelings. "hey there are you good?" Shubman asked leveling down to little boy who has some big fat tears in his eyes. 

"oh my I am sorry darling ..." the collector hugged the baby, who sniffed, forwarding his palm where little scratches ocured. 

"oh no I hurt you baby.. what should I do?" Shubman asked holding the little palms in his hands, the baby pouted. "mama.. kiss..beweter..better.. make it.." Shubman was deeply hurt but kissed the little palms, the boy smiled shyly . 

"What's your name baby?" Shubman asked picking the boy in his arms, who shook his head in no. "stwanger.. dangwer.. mama say no... twalk .." even though little boy was having red cheeks, he still did not dare t disobey his mama. 

"then what kind of ice cream would you like?" Shubman asked again going inside , he can't define his feelings right now, it was all mixed anger, hurt, love, pain.

The worker smiled giving the boy his usual ice cream and one extra "thanksie.." and little ducked his head in Shubman's chest feeling shy. 

"Mann ... my baby.." Ishan felt his stomach churning at the sight infront of him, Shubman and his little boy was sitting on a bench outside the parlour, enjoying ice cream. 

"papa.. for you.." little boy forwarded the leftover ice cream to his father, who engulfed him in a hug. "you should not have run out like this baby.." Ishan mumbled kissing the boy's face. 

Shubman wiped his sweaty palm on his pant "you a have a very cute son Ishan.." Ishan finally looked at him "yeah.. he is.." and the little boy blushed hiding his in Ishan's chest. 

"you did not tell you have a son, I would like to meet your partner Ishan .." even though each word cut him like a sharp knife , Shubman managed to keep the smile. 

"yeah why not.. I will ask her.. for now we have to go.." Ishan started to walk away when his boy stopped him " wait a say ...something to him.." Ishan badly wanted to run home but can't say no the smile of his son, who ran to Shubman , hugging his knees.

"what my prince.." Shubman sat down and the boy quickly kissed his cheek, his ears and cheeks going rosy red "oh my god.. I am so touched ..." saying this the officer kissed the boy's cheeks.

"baby are you having a crush ?" Ishan asked , they were cuddling in the comfort of their bed. The boy nodded , Ishan squished his cheeks "oh no now my baby loves him more.." Ishan chuckled.

His smile vanished when he heard those horns of jeeps, racing of bikes, they were those typical goons. Ishan looked from window, those bulky guys were again saying those slur words, "where are you all hiding..? come out ...we are giving you last warning to empty this place..." 

in all those things Ishan failed to notice his son sneeking out. Ishan's eyes widened when he saw his son standing out their infront of those guys "hey you all bwig bwad guys.." Ishan ran out panicking. 

"what did you said you little shit?" A guy went to the boy, but before he can touch him , there were three to four cars coming. 

The police inspector of that area came out "you again came Munish.." the leader of the gang chuckled, his hand around the shoulder of police officer. 

"yes you all need to go now.." the leader looked at the man coming out of the car, "kon hai be..?" and soon he was met with a slap . 

"Shubman Gill , SDM of yours city beta.." and adjusted his sunglasses. there was this problem in Leh , you can get frost bitten and sunstroke at the same time.

(and Author love this fucking beauty of Ladakh).

"So that's what you do? arrest all of them .." He went to pick the boy in his arms who was again having red cheeks look like the little boy seriously having a crush. 

"this is not your work , you are molesting us with your post we will complain.." one of the goons said, "can you cover your ear baby.." and the boy did, putting his head over his chest. 

"You motherfucker will teach me law now.. you are so dead .. get all of them behind the bars.. " "sir you need to sign this paper..." and he sighed , signing paper to take the responsibility on himself to work on this matter ahead. 

"thank you very much SDM shaab , we can't express enough with words..." the residents thanked him , standing around him. Ishan walked up to him, he took the boy back "come baby it's not good to disturb him, he have work to do.."

Shubman felt bad for the pouting boy, "so you live here..?" he tried to talk but was cut by another man thanking him. 

Shubman kept looking at  Ishan who was going to his home, kissing his son "why do these things  baby, I was so worried.." 

"but baba was there mama.." the boy pouted looking back at Shubman who felt his blood drain out. 

"shh Ishman .. we can't say it loud baby..." and the boy's eyes watered "baba won't come with us mama , why ..." by now little boy was crying looking back at the stilled man. 

"in no fucking way this can happen.." Shubman silently sat on his car, his head pounding, his eyes caught the boy peeking from the window , teary eyes.


Thank you for reading it.

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