i told the stars about you

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“I told the stars about you..” she uttered as if it were a curse. She turned to look at her beloved lover. Only to be met with beautiful black eyes that held a hundred stories “..you did? Well, what did you say?” her heart melted as she heard that sweet voice she could listen to on repeat.
She smiled softly as she turned her body to face her lover fully, her sweet Alex. She gently reached out and moved a strand of hair as she whispered “I told them how you shine brighter than them in every way…. How you light up a room by simply being there. How sweet you are, the way I love everything about you.” she paused, taking a soft breath leaning in and softly kissing her love. As they slowly parted, she whispered one more thing “and how i wish you were real…”

Wake up


I gasped as I shot up gasping for air. Slowly, I took in my surroundings as I reached up and moved the hair out of my face. I look over to the clock and see it’s 5:30 am. I sigh softly as I get up, walking to my closet and picking out a couple of different outfits. I wonder if it’s cold today…. I better check the weather, I stretch slightly as I reach for my phone, checking the weather I smile when it says it will be a warm day. I decided to choose my outfit and then I'll take a shower.

I rummaged through the things and stood in front of the mirror. I ended up in a tie between two outfits. The first is a beautiful white frilly dress with beautiful pink lace, paired with high knee white socks and a pink sweater. I think it would look good with a couple of accessories. The other outfit was pretty much the opposite: a long black dress ripped at the end with combat boots and a black leather corset… As you can see, I have a weird clothing style. In the end, I chose the white dress. I smile as I twirl around. Before checking the time to see it's 5:40. I reach out and grab my dress quietly, feeling the texture as I thought about my dream, I bit my cheek. Who was that girl? I couldn't see her face very well. But she had long, wavy  strawberry blonde hair and beautiful eyes that looked so dark they seemed black. Staring into them felt like staring into a galaxy… So beautiful and unique in itś own way.And her lips were soft, very soft. I wish I could feel them again. I walked over to the bath/shower, quietly turning the water on as I thought back to her. What was her name again? Alisa? Or was it Aleena? I'm not sure, maybe I'll remember later.

I slowly undressed myself, still lost in thought, only being brought back when I placed my foot in the tub. Instantly relaxing into the water as I grab my candle, lighting up as a soft flower smell fills the room. I sighed, relaxing into the water as I slowly slipped under until the water was above my mouth.


I shot up gasping for air as I realized I had slid down the tub and had been completely submerged. I cough as I slam my hand into my chest while wheezing. After a couple of minutes, I slowly calm down and instead try and focus on actually showering. I shakingly reach over and grab the soap and quietly begin to clean myself. Aaliyah, so that’s her name? It's a pretty name. I wonder what the dream even meant… “Oh..” we kissed in the dream, right?

I sigh as I finish and quickly get up, grabbing the outfit I had chosen as I quietly dry myself and slowly slip the dress on. Once it’s on, I quietly fix it till I deem it perfect. After I'm done changing, I hum as I grab my makeup and hair items. I quietly brush my hair, slowly undoing the knots. Once I'm done, I fix it to look how I want. I'm getting better at styling it to look how I want. Once I'm done, I stretch and reach over, grabbing my makeup items. I grab my phone while listening to a song by Katy Perry, “I Kissed A Girl” i sang out loud following the lyrics bobbing my head side to side as it hit my favorite part “I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKED IT THE TASTE OF HER CHERRY CHAPSTICK! I KISSED A GIRL JUST TO TRY IT-” What time is it. I bolt towards my phone to see it’s 6:20. Oh shit i doubt my neighbors heard that? I’ll apologize for that with cookies or something. I quickly do my makeup, making sure to match my outfit by using mainly pinks and white. I hummed as I applied my white freckles. Once I'm done, I walk towards the mirror, smirking as I spin around “DAMN! I look hot!”

I grab my bag and put it down again, realizing I should organize my room before I eat so I make my bed and quickly organize my clothes. I smile as I step back, inspecting my work. I quickly grabbed my bag and headed to the kitchen as I grabbed the pancake batter, some eggs, vanilla extract, milk, and some bananas and strawberries. I pause as I look for lechera. Once I find everything needed, I begin making the batter to make crepes. I calmly whisk it until I'm satisfied with the texture. I grab my phone quickly and put on Poster Boy by Laufey. I sing along while grabbing a pan and quickly putting it on the stove before quickly grabbing some butter and waiting for it to melt as I quickly put the batter in. Once I'm sure it’s time to flip it, I grab the handle and flip it. I closed my eyes before slowly opening them, gasping as I realized I had landed it! Once it’s done, I grab a plate, grab the nutella and spread it, quickly cut the fruits, and place it perfectly. Once I'm content, I quickly fold it and grab the lechera, slowly sprinkling it on, making sure it looks perfect. I quickly flip the other crepe.

After a bit, i'm done making them, so i make a quick coffee. Once I'm done, i set up the food quickly, whipping out my phone and taking a few pics

Once I'm done, I pick up my fork and start eating while I post the pic on Instagram, adding a simple caption. I watch as the pic gains likes smiling as i see people already commenting. I replied to a comment who said it looked delicious, I simply put in the auto-text: “Thank you! I worked hard on it :P.” I quickly finished my food and checked the clock to see it was now 7 am. I sigh as I clean the kitchen. Once I'm done it’s 7:30. I quickly pack a picnic with a lot of food and also grab 2 wine glasses, one for cake and one for actual wine. I quickly lock up and skip down the apartment halls, smiling as I plan my day only to pause slowly, turning around and heading to apartment 202. I blink as I see movers placing boxes on the ground. I wonder who moved in! Hopefully I can meet them! I smile softly as I walk into the elevator, pressing the lobby floor,1, and watching as the doors closed….



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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