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Riggy POV

It's been a whole day. I haven't gotten out of bed.
I can't.

I hate living I swear. -_-

But really Danno yelled at me because I didn't show up for work. Rosey had to do it today.. and with how I've been ignoring her-

But while I was pondering my life's choices I hear a whisper. This whisper is faint but loud too. Like an echo in my head.

"Riggy.." I hear. Then before I knew it a rabbit like figure with a crooked smile appeared in-front of me.
Other than Rosey, he was the one I did not wanna see right now. Then the penguins of course.

"Riggy.." he repeated. It's Clone Riggy.
"Raggy..?" I say confused and nervous but somehow exited.
"Who ever gave you that idea nitwit? I'm Preston." He said looking annoyed.
"Oh. That's a great name" it sounded more flirty than I intended.

Luckily he's so new to everything I don't think he noticed. Why is my body TRYING to flirt though.

"Listen Riggy.. I uh- have been trying to spy on yo for the boss. And I uh am supposed to still be hiding but.. I can see your dreams.." he looked almost empty in his thoughts.

God no. My dreams? I thought. Full of me and him kissing or more?

He went over to me. You are very self obsessed.. I'm your clone..
I looked over at him.
"I can't explain it but I uh.. really like you."
He looks over at me in surprise.
"I tried to kill you!" He said confused.
"Yeah I know.. but you don't mean it.." I smiled and grabbed his hand.

*i try to hide the red on my face. And that's when I see it. I don't know if it's because he lacks contact from others, but he blushed. I see it and I know he means it.
I then go for it. I kiss him. It was amazing. He's amazing.
I pull back to see his reaction only to see him un-float onto the ground, lay down next to me and just stay there. His emotions were unreadable.

His eyes were closed and he was just laying. And my heart was thumping.

Love For All. (Riggy x Clone Riggy)Where stories live. Discover now