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Riggy POV

I decide to go to the Wendy's. What harm in that right?

*Riggy arrives*
*Preston is standing in front of the Wendy's, leaning against it with his phone out*

Riggy decides to sneak up on him, but then he spots what he's watching. "Is that Danno and my short?"
Riggy looked surprised but he was also teasing a bit.

Preston jumps and puts his phone in his pocket quickly. "There you are! You're late." He arched his eyebrow but he wasn't mad.
"Fashionably late!" Riggy smile and teases some more.

Preston smiles softly. "Let's get a table."

Riggy POV

Can't believe he's not out to get me after.. that night..
but now it's a new night and we can talk things out! But I can't lie. I was enthusiastic that I could eat at a restaurant with him, even just us becoming friends, like what?? I'm so happy right now. I'm smiling so much my cheeks hurt.

I was so happy infact, thatI didn't even realize it was time to order.
"What do you want?" Preston said looking at me.
Uh oh. Okay. What to order? ... god I just embarrassed myself. Okay order.. "Can I get the Big Bacon Cheddar Triple?"

Preston smiled. "Can I get a water?"
He looked at me.
"And I'll pay"

Wait what's he doing..

We then sat down and I was more confused than I was before. Like I'm confused on why he's resting his head on his hand and twirling his straw while looking at me. He looks like how girls look when they see a guy they fall in love with. (Or girl or other)

I'm uncomfortable.. but why? I was pretty much acting that way before. But I know I can't. Rosey.. she's my girlfriend.

"I know you know" Preston finally breaks the silence.
"What..?" Im confused and my entire body is scrunched up from my uncomfortable situation.

"I know you know I'm into you." He continues to swirl his straw in his drink.

"You.. are..?"  I respond.
"Don't play dumb." He looks up at me and now seems sincere.

I blush. "Okay but I have a girlfriend.."

"And that leads me to my next point. I know you like me too, I've seen those dreams you had. And I say dump her. You like me right?" He took a sip of his drink. His face was unreadable again.

"No. It's wrong. I love her!" I say looking away from him.

He smiles and rolls his eyes. Next thing I know he teleported us into a room together. It's got a couch and a bed with a tv.

"This is Roseys house!" I yell.
"Prove you love her and stop messing with both of our feelings." He points to the door.

I then process what he said. I guess I have been doing that huh? Mostly him though. I've been messing with his feelings and been lying to Rosey.

"Okay.. I Will." I take a deep breath and open the door. Rosey is right there in the kitchen making some soup.
I can't do this. I teleport away. But Preston follows.

"So.. you don't love her?" He asks giving another unreadable expression. He is new to life I know.. but I mean.. give me time man.

"No! I love her too much to mess it up!" I shout back. I don't mean to sound rude.
He looks a little embarrassed and sorry. "Oh.."
I look at him and smile. He does really care and he's really trying. My heart soars through my chest. Oh no. I think he can tell.

He then hugs me. Oh god. I can't feel my body. I feel trapped between two worlds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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