Ch. 4

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Riggy POV

He was right next to me. Sleeping blissfully. I'm so confused right now.. doesn't he hate me? Isn't he angry I just made a move.. even if I did see him blush..

If Rosey saw me she'd kill me!
But I don't want this to end, so I nuzzled up next to him, until we both fell asleep next to each other.

I know this is going to sound crazy but.. this is better than a raise.

I woke up and he was gone. Just like that. But he didn't hurt me so he can't be mad. I smiled and finally got out of bed. I decided I'd talk to Danno today. I'd  feel bad about me missing work again.


*Riggy walks into Dannos room. He broke in*

Danno! Riggy yells catching Danno of guard.

Riggy?! Is that you? I haven't seen you since the hospital! Where have you been? Are you okay? Danno shows concern.

Whoa whoa whoa.. im fine.. just mentally broke and exhausted. Riggy says looking up to think.

Danno cannot know about the thing with Preston. He just can't. He'd go crazy.

So uh ready to do more then? Danno says smiling awkwardly.

What, make shorts? Riggy looks at Danno. You got it. Riggy smiles and pulls out his list of poses.

*they do the short*

Thanks Riggs, get better! Danno smiles and waves as he starts to edit the short.

Okay! Byeeee! Riggy waved and left. No pranks. No tricks. No bullying. He was to beat and in thought for that.

Riggy POV

I get back home. I'm drained.

Then I spot a note on my bed.. is it new?
I picked it up and read "Meet me at the Wendy's down the road"
Signed Preston.

Okay.. whatever. This will be normal and fine. I will be responsible and mature like any 22 year old.

Love For All. (Riggy x Clone Riggy)Where stories live. Discover now