Blakely Why

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I woke up being called by Blakely. It took me a minute to answer.

"What Blakely"

"How fast can you get here"

"I don't know hour maybe"

"Well come now"



"I'm bringing Johnnie"

"Just come on"

"Ok bye"


~ end of conversation~

I went to get a shower. Then i dried and straightened my hair. I had to text Johnnie.

G- hey wanna go to blakelys house with me

J-sure hold on let me straighten my hair

G-ok Ima go eat food


~end of conversation~

I went down stairs and ate breakfast. "Well good morning to you" dad said. "Good morning sir " I said getting cereal. "I have to go to blakelys" I said. "Why" he asked. "I don't know she didn't tell me and I'm taking Johnnie she already knows" i said. I got a text from Johnnie saying he was ready. "Ok well Ima go pick him up and go to blakelys bye" I said walking out of the door. "Bye" he yelled.

We walked into blakelys house she looked all sad. "Aww why does Blakely look down in the dumps" Johnnie said. "Cause Gracie can i talk to you a sec" she said. "What can I hear too" Johnnie said. "Can you keep a secret". "Yeah". "I think I might be pregnant" she said. Our mouths dropped. "Did you take the test" we asked her. "No that's why i wanted you to come over." She said. Well go take the test" I said. "Ok".


I didn't want to write the rest so lets just make it a cliffhanger. Blakely that's what you get. You better change it.
Btw Blakely comes home tomorrow peoples who are nosey and want to hear our life don't know why you would we are two of the most boring people ever.

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