🃂 . Common Hand . 🃂

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A game consisting of putting in 10,000 Mora for one die. The more dice, the better your shot. Liar's dice is a gambling game for 3 or more players requiring the ability to deceive and to detect an opponent's deception.

How to cheat? Easy.

Besides learning how to throw in a very controlled way, loaded dice is a personal favourite. 

A simple strategy is to consistently bid as low as possible on the most likely number of dice during each round. For instance, on the initial bid, bid 3 or 4 more than your highest matching set, and if you have a set of 4, bid 7, and so forth. Since each player is required to increase the bet, this tactic increases the difficulty for them. This approach is particularly effective in the early rounds.

As your opponents become increasingly uneasy, they are more likely to call each other out, suspecting bluffs due to the higher bids. Employ this technique strategically, and soon, you'll find yourself accumulating all the winnings.

Shields your throws and announce your hand, truthfully or not. Either way, the Mora is yours. 

In most cases anyways.

However, with less than 3 people, this game turns into common hand.

The rules of the game were set. The initial caller would be selected at random, and both players would simultaneously roll their dice, examining their hands for the decisive moment.

One player would confidently declare their hand, setting the stage for the strategic dance that followed. The other player faced the choice of either asserting a higher-ranking hand, calling the bluff, or opting to re-roll some or all of their dice. The tension escalated with each call, a delicate balance between deception and truth.

In the event of a bluff being called, the accused bluffer would lay bare their dice, and the fate of the round would be sealed. The intricacies of the game added an extra layer of suspense to the unfolding negotiation, where not only financial stakes but also the mastery of this game would determine the ultimate victor.

A total of 9 rounds would unfold, and the player with the most wins at the end of this strategic confrontation would emerge as the ultimate winner.

After confirming the rules with the white-haired woman, you handed her the dice, ensuring the loaded nature of your own set. Seated across from each other in the dimly lit tavern, both with cups containing five six-sided dice, the atmosphere thickened with the anticipation of the forthcoming clash.

With a sly smile, you initiated the round, shaking the dice in the cup and casting them onto the table. The results concealed from Arlecchino's view, you examined them carefully before confidently declaring, "I bet there are at least four 4s on the table," peering challengingly at her.

Arlecchino raised an eyebrow, her gaze focused and discerning. "I call," she replied softly, a hint of suspicion coloring her voice, suggesting she might perceive a bluff.

Lifting the cup, you revealed the dice. Indeed, there were three 4s among them, along with two  other numbers. The victory was yours for the first round, a triumphant giggle escaping you.

Arlecchino, in turn, raised her cup to unveil a single 4. The contrast in the dice outcomes solidified your win, setting the stage for the subsequent rounds of this strategic duel. The dimly lit ambiance seemed to intensify, mirroring the escalating stakes and the unpredictable dance of chance unfolding between you and the mysterious woman.

The atmosphere in the dimly lit casino was electric, charged with anticipation as the cup concealed the fate-bearing dice. Once again, you took the lead, shaking the dice within your cup and peering at the result. With a sly grin, you confidently declared, "five 4s."

Arlecchino, her gaze suspicious, raised an eyebrow but chose to challenge. Dice revealed, you had three 4s while she presented a 4 and a 3. A triumphant smirk graced Arlecchino's face as you conceded the round.

Now, it was Arlecchino's turn to seize control. She deftly shook her cup, a flick of the wrist adding a touch of confidence to the motion. With a decisive tone, she announced, "Three sixes!"

Squinting at Arlecchino, you contemplated whether to challenge. In a strategic decision, you chose to believe her claim, refraining from challenging. The dice were revealed, showing three sixes. Arlecchino, slightly frustrated by the turn of events, admitted her loss.

Both you and Arlecchino locked eyes, the air thick with tension as you sought to discern the truth beneath the surface of each other's expressions. The game continued, a riveting dance of chance and strategy unfolding in the heart of the dimly lit casino.

2-1 so far, but the game has only begun.

Initiating the round, you shake the dice in the cup before slamming it upside down on the table. The dice revealed 1, 3, 4, 6, and 2. You smirk, glancing at the result before covering the dice with the cup.

Arlecchino, studying your expression, contemplated her next move. After a moment of suspense, Arlecchino confidently declared, "There are at least three 3s on the table."

You raised an eyebrow but denied the challenge, agreeing with her. 

You started by shaking the dice and concealing the result. With a poker face, Arlecchino stated, "There are four 5s on the table."

You squinted at her, skeptical of the claim. After some consideration, A decided to challenge. The cup was lifted, and the dice showed only three 5s. Arlecchino, now caught in a lie.


As the game continued, the tension in the air grew. 

Bluffs, strategy, and luck played crucial roles in this game of Common Hand. Arlecchino continued to make claims and challenge you, each roll of the dice determining the fate of the round.


Your dice were loaded, how the hell did she catch up with you so fast..

As the game continued, the tension between you and Arlecchino heightened, each round adding to the intricate dance of strategy and chance. The dimly lit casino seemed to hold its breath, as if the outcome of the next throw would echo through its very walls.

With a wry smile, you took your turn once more. The cup in hand, the dice danced within, and you examined the results with a calculated gaze. "Four 5s," you declared, your eyes conveying the challenge, though a subtle unease churned within.

In truth, your stomach sank. You've never lost a game – not once, not ever. The weight of the situation settled upon you as Arlecchino met your gaze, her expression inscrutable. After a moment's contemplation, she decided to call the bluff.

With a swift, almost ceremonial motion, you both revealed your cups. The verdict was apparent, and the game came to an end. The dice laid bare on the table, exposing the truth of the round.

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