🃅 . Poker . 🃅

38 7 0

"..Well, there's various games we have here at the casino. Liar's dice, ultimate tcg, cards. we have just about everything, along with multiple copies of each game in case of more people" you mention, gesturing to the piles and arrangements of games after leading them to the backroom.

Both the twins eyes almost light up at the sight.

"We also have other games, but those are more dangerous... its for ones who either have too much money, or none at all," you comment.

"...or people who get off on that type of thing," you shrug.

"What do you mean?" Lynette asks, brushing her finger across a game board, covered in dust.

"I mean the risks are larger. Rather than mora people usually offer something else... such as their own fingers," you reply, guiding them through the maze of games.

"their own fingers?" Lyney asks, still following close behind.

"It's called the finger cutting guillotine"

"The players play through a device armed with a guillotine. Each player places one finger through one of the holes, one for each player," you reply, looking back and walking backwards to face the twins.

"The device has several ropes, with players cutting one rope per turn each. Cutting that rope will cause the guillotine to fall, having the chance to cut off the opponents finger," you explain, using gestures with your hand.

"Limbs for Mora?" Lyney questions.

"Fingers aren't usually cut. In this game, a player is deemed a loser if they remove their finger first. In other words, it is a game of chicken where the player that holds out the longest wins," you reassure.

"However, in the odd chance that a finger does get cut, the person with the cut finger gets the Mora, so it's a bit of a balance I suppose," you continue.

"Oh!" Lyney mumbles, a slight shudder in his voice as he peeks over his sisters shoulder.

"..How about poker?" Lynette calls out, facing Lyney.

"Gladly," you smile, turning around and grabbing the box, and leading them out the storage room, and onto a rather large table in the main part of the casino.

This turned into a usual, fews days passing, as the first show was tomorrow.

It was hard to hear over the sounds of the casino, but you managed.

As the poker game unfolded, the air in the room grew thick with anticipation and the scent of well-worn cards. 

Your eyes remained sharp, darting between the cards and opponents, giving away nothing. The occasional nod or subtle twitch of a muscle was all that betrayed the seasoned players thoughts.

 Across the table, Lyney revealed in the art of deception, skillfully donning different personas with each hand. One moment, a carefree grin; the next, a furrowed brow, leaving Lynette guessing at the true intentions behind the expressive facade.

But it was rather easy to you to figure which ones Lyney was faking.

Lynette, the quiet force at the table, continued to meticulously calculate odds and observe the subtle shifts in dynamics. Her stoic exterior betrayed none of the strategic gears turning within. As the rounds progressed, Lynette's stack grew steadily, a testament to her thoughtful decision-making and strategic prowess. 

The room echoed with the rhythmic shuffle of cards and the clinking of chips, punctuated by the occasional burst of laughter as the trio engaged in light banter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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