🃃 . Beginner's Luck . 🃃

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I lost?

When was the last time I muttered those words?

Three 5's laid before you, just one off from winning. 

In truth, your stomach sank. You've never lost a game – not once, not ever. The weight of the situation settled upon you as Arlecchino met your gaze, her expression inscrutable.

Arlecchino had indeed outplayed you, the dice revealing only three 5s. It was a momentary defeat that echoed through the dimly lit casino. The air seemed to still as the realization of a rare loss settled in.

A subtle smile played on Arlecchino's lips, a silent acknowledgment of her victory. The outcome, though unexpected, added a twist to the negotiation, introducing an element of unpredictability to the proceedings. As the atmosphere recalibrated, you and Arlecchino locked eyes once more, the dimly lit casino bearing witness to the ebb and flow of fortune. 

The weight of those two words, "I lost," hung in the air like an unfamiliar melody. The dimly lit casino, usually a stage for your victories, now bore witness to an unexpected turn of events. It had been so long since those words had left your lips, and the rare taste of defeat was a bitter one.

The echo of the admission lingered in the atmosphere, mingling with the low hum of the casino's activities. It was a moment of reflection, a recalibration of the narrative that had played out countless times before. The ebb and flow of fortune had taken an unexpected turn, leaving you to grapple with the unfamiliarity of defeat.

"Hah... well done," you commented, a mixture of surprise and acknowledgment in your tone. Leaning back in your chair, you cast a contemplative gaze upon the dice that had, for the first time in what felt like an eternity, betrayed your usually unyielding luck.

"30 percent..." you mumbled, the weight of the concession evident in your voice. The dimly lit casino seemed to absorb the sound, as if the very walls were attuned to the gravity of the moment.

"I guess it's only a couple hundred thousand Mora... as long as I can keep this place open... it's okay," you reasoned, a shrug accompanying your words. The resilience in your tone sought to reconcile the loss in the game with the greater goal of maintaining the vitality of the casino.

The struggle to balance the immediate setback with the long-term vision played out in the subtle nuances of your expression.

A smile played on Arlecchino's lips, her fingers coming together as she rested her head upon her hands. "I expect the payments at the end of the month. My lovely children will perform here often in return," she stated sweetly, the words carrying both a promise and a subtle reminder of the newly established terms.

"Beginner's luck," you sighed, leaning back in your chair. The admission held a hint of humility, a rare acknowledgment of the twist of fate that had disrupted your unbroken winning streak.

"I never lost a game, not once," you commented, the words carrying a weight of reflection on the unprecedented turn of events.

"Honestly, I'm impressed with you," you added, meeting Arlecchino's eyes. The atmosphere held a mix of camaraderie and rivalry, as if the shared experience had forged a connection between adversaries

Arlecchino smiled, leaning back in her own chair, a subtle air of satisfaction surrounding her.

"Of course, your dice weren't the only loaded ones," she commented with a smirk, meeting your eyes. 

A moment of hesitation lingered in the air as you paused, your gaze shifting from her dice to meet Arlecchino's eyes. The unspoken tension was palpable, a subtle dance of uncertainty and permission.

With a slight nod from Arlecchino, you reached for her dice, unlocking the truth they concealed.

As the loaded dice rolled in your hand, the revelation surfaced, met with your composed acknowledgment. "...Well done," you praised, the smile on your lips carrying a blend of respect and acceptance for the skillful maneuver.

Arlecchino, noting your reaction, commented on your composed demeanor. "...You took that well," she observed, a subtle acknowledgment of your resilience in the face of an unexpected revelation.

In a moment of humility, you admitted defeat, a smile gracing your features. "You outplayed me, I didn't even notice," you conceded, handing her back the loaded dice.

Breaking the momentary silence, Arlecchino leaned forward, her gaze lingering on the dice as she spoke, "You have a unique flair for the games, Y/N. It's not often that someone catches on to the subtleties."

You, in turn, acknowledged the compliment with a nod and a gracious smile, the atmosphere in the casino retaining a sense of both rivalry and mutual respect.

Arlecchino, her enigmatic smile lingering, tilted her head slightly. "What do you say we make this alliance official?" she proposed, her words carrying a tone that hinted at more than just a business arrangement.

With a nod, you offer your hand.

Arlecchino accepted the gesture, clasping your hand in a firm shake.

Her hands, a deep shade of black, contrasted against yours, and the touch carried an enigmatic weight.

Her nails, painted black with the exception of the red pointer, grazed across your skin, leaving behind a faint trace. As they moved, intricate symbols revealed themselves.

Arlecchino, noticing your gaze upon her hands, hastily hid them behind her back as she spoke once more. "My children should arrive tomorrow; I expect you'll treat them kindly and show them around," she stated sternly, her tone carrying a hint of expectation.

The shift in demeanor, from the enigmatic touch of intertwined hands to a stern instruction, marked the versatility of the alliance that had just been formed.

With a nod, you acknowledged her directive, recognizing the responsibilities that came with the alliance. 

"Of course, when you send them, mention not to eat the sweets-" you began, but before you could finish, Arlecchino chimed in simultaneously.

"They're tinted," she said in unison with you, both of you meeting each other's gaze. The synchronized revelation carried a sense of shared knowledge, emphasizing the intricacies of the casino's peculiar offerings.

"Pantalones' idea, I assume?" Arlecchino chimed with a smile, a subtle nod to the mischievous nature of someone named Pantalones.

"With one treat, they'll gamble until they die," you whispered, sharing a knowing glance with Arlecchino. The hushed words carried a weight of caution, hinting at the peculiar nature of the treats within the casino.

She nods.

"Keep an eye on Lynette,"

You nod, standing with Arlecchino.

"Pleasure doing business," Arlecchino smiled, a phrase that resonated with a blend of camaraderie and the unspoken complexities that characterized the dealings within the dimly lit casino. With a graceful turn, she faded into the background of the bustling establishment, her enigmatic presence becoming one with the shadows.

As she vanished, the echoes of the strategic game, the loaded dice, and the alliance lingered in the air. 

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