Chapter 18: I'll let you drive my mustang

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Tristan drives me home in silence and drops me off at my driveway before speeding down the street.

I open the door and welcome the warm air floating in the living room. I walk quietly up the stairs, making sure that I don't wake my parents up, but because today isn't my lucky day, the stairs creech with every step I take.

I finally reach my room without waking anyone up and I fling the door open and close it again after I enter. Without wasting a second more, I strip off the clothes clinging to my body and don on my soft pyjamas, and immediately go to bed.

Today was a really tiring day and it drained all the energy that my body contained. At least I have sleep to help me recharge.

"Are you jealous?"

Tristan's words resonate in my mind and I can't help, but wonder if I was really jealous. I have no time to think about it as darkness already consumes me and I go to dream land.


"Wake up. Wake up." I hear someone poke my cheek.

Here's the thing. You do not just disturb someone's sleep, especially someone who values sleep like me. Respect my sleep. Do not wake me up early on a Saturday morning. Never.

"WAKE UP!!" I fall out of bed at that voice. The idiot that had disturbed my slumber, breaks into fits of laughter.

"What the hell?!" I shout and get up from my uncomfortable position on the hard floor.

"You should've seen your face." His voice sounds pleasing to the ear, his smile surely brightens up my mood as I do not see it often

"Shut up you dimwit!" I smack the back of his head with my hand. I feel his soft locks beneath my fingers and I try by all means not to run my hand through--

What is happening to me?

"Ouch." He winces.

"Tristan, what are you-- why is the sun not up?" I ask him as I stare at the bright stars that still blanket the night sky. My window's open and a cool breeze invites itself through the small opening.

Wait, my window's open?

"Did you get in through my window?" I arch an eyebrow and wait for him to answer.

"Your window was open." He states.

"So. . . ?"

"I climbed in."

"I think even the person with the lowest IQ level on the planet can figure out that you climbed into my bedroom through the window." I retort and fold my arms over my chest as I wait for him to elaborate the cause of his sudden visit or in other terms, break in.

"Can I sleep over for the night?" Her nervously scratches the back of his neck. Why do most guys do that?

"May I ask why?"

"Please don't, but I really need the favor." Desperation drips out of his mouth and I can't help, but feel sorry for him.

I know the feeling of true desperation and I don't want anyone else to go through it.

"Fine," I sigh. "But you're sleeping on the couch." I point to the cream white couch in the corner of my large sky-blue painted bedroom.

"But I might get cold and have a fever." He pulls out his puppy dog eyes and I can't help but want to give in, but my huge ego won't let me.

"Nice try, but not good enough." I walk to bed and get in, pulling the soft covers over my body, welcoming the warmth that already causes sleep to overcome my eyes.

"C'mon I'll buy you a stack of Oreos that'll last you month." He whines.


"Still not working," I bury my face into the pillow, waiting for darkness to consume me. "I can't get that one my own."

"I'll let you drive my mustang." He grins mischievously and I can't stop myself from refusing his offer.

"For a month?"

"A week."

"A guess you don't want to sleep in this comfy bed instead of that hard couch that'll probably give you neck problems when you wake up." I shrug.

"Fine," he sighs. "For a month. Deal?"


You can't blame me. I have an obsession with Mustangs and the one that Tristan has, is the one I once asked my parents to buy for me, but refused saying and I quote, "A lady should never drive such a violent car. Ladies need to have class." And that's how I received my Mercedes Benz. My mom said it had both class and elegance, and it's suitable for cruising along the road.

Not that I'm complaining, but what do you except from a girl that literally grew up sending time with her older brother and his friends all the time to the point where they had the same interest. I love cars, especially muscle cars, and I love most things related to guys. I don't have time to worry about my hair looks or what if I break a nail while doing something dangerous or worry about how my make up looks.

In general, I don't really care about being a girly girl.

"You know, most girls would beg me to sleep in bed with them." He says, before pulling his shirt off, revealing all his muscles glory.

"I'm not a girl then." I say.

"She finally realizes what we all see." He says dramatically. I see him unbuckle his belt and I immediately stop him.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Getting out these clothes, so that I can sleep properly." He says in a 'duh' tone.

"Not wearing your shirt is distracting enough, but taking off your jeans is now exceeding the limit."

"So you're saying that I'm distracting?" He winks his eyebrows seductively.

"Don't take it as a compliment, hideous creatures cause real distractions." I retort.

"We all know I'm not hideous." He smirks, ignoring the insult I threw at him.

"Yeah right." I retort.

He continues to take off his jeans, ignoring what I said, and that leaves him in his Calvin Klein boxers.

I bet his advertising those boxers with that sexy body of his.

"Done checking me out?" He asks and my cheeks flush.

"Yep, but I've seen better." Lies. His body tops all of the male models' bodies I've ever seen. His muscular, but not too much, upper body is lined by perfectly constructed muscles. His eight pack is to die for and his V-line is out in the open.

"Y'know, if for every lie you told, they would cut off one of your limbs, you probably wouldn't exist right now." He gets inside my bed and the bed dips at the weight. He shifts way to closely to me, making me uncomfortable at the close proximity.

"Move." I shoo him to the other side of the bed.

"But I'm cold." He whines. Wow, I've never seen a bad boy, not to mention the school's most feared person in the school, whine so much.

"Not my fault you decided not to wear your shirt." I turn to my side and relax into the warmth. "Goodnight." I say before letting the sleep overtake me.

"Night." I swear I can feel Tristan's hard chest pressed against my back and his arm around my waist, but I don't have the energy to shoo him off again. His body warmth relaxes me more and I get a whiff of his body scent-- honeydew and some some really manly cologne.


Hi, my lovely readers! 

It's hard for me to type here lately, so when I do, I try to spam a bunch of chapters. So, if I'm posting too much at once, I am sorry. Just trying to make sure I at least have new chapters posted if I miss a day or something.

I will see you guys soon.

Until next time.

-Savannah Pirtle

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