Chapter 35: I was just trying to piss of Nicole

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"Does anyone want to buy me a pizza? I'm hungry." Peyton asks, but eyes Luke, threatening him to agree.

"Don't look at me, babe." Luke answers nonchalantly. "You have feet for a reason." He continues munching on his perfectly beef burger sandwich.

"Ugh, try to be romantic for once." Peyton nudged him.

"I've been romantic for three years now, at least can I have a break." Luke shakes his in denial.

"You've known each other for three years?" I ask, taking a bite out of my slice of pizza.

"Yep." The couple answers simultaneously.

Soon the whole group gathers around the table. Kaitlyn and Chase sit next to each other and Jordan takes a seat next to me on my right.

"Can I have a bite?" A familiar voice whispers into my ears. A gush of goosebumps run along my skin. Tristan sits on the left side of me, straddling the seat his on so that his whole body is facing me. His eyes never leave my gaze, causing mine to get lost in his. His eyes are captivating, drawing you in closer and closer until you have no way of escaping from his grasp.

I think I'm falling. Hard.

"Can't you get your own?" I roll my eyes, trying to free my eyes from his mesmerizing ones. I take a bite of my pizza and catch him staring.

"Whhaat?" I muffle out, still not releasing the pizza from my mouth.

"Can I have a bite?"

"Okway. Bwite."

Tristan etched his face closer, and closer, until only a few centimeters seperated our lips. He takes a bite out of the slice, but keeps his lips there. None of us move away from each other. We just stay still, staring deep into each other's eyes.

"Looks like the nerd has turned into a--"

"What do you want Nicole?" Peyton speaks up, cutting an awfully shrill voice from finishing its sentence.

I turn my head to see the queen bee herself gracing us with her presence. I don't even notice Tristan finish my pizza.

"Nicole," I say in a sarcastically chirpy voice. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Listen to me bitch, stop making moves on my man, okay? Or else you'll regret it." Her sassy moves are really overrated. Boring even. This girl is messing with the girl.

"Nicole, I'm not your--" Tristan abruptly stands up, but I interrupt him by shushing him by placing my index finger on his soft, pink lips.

I wish I could feel their softness with my--

Snap out of it!

I stand up to face Nicole dead in the eye. Her three inch heels make her about two centimeters taller than me.

"Let's get this clear. Tristan is not your man. He's mine." I put on a devilish smirk. "So you back off." I poke her shoulder when saying 'you'.

Where in the world did I find the courage to say that?

"Oh, is that so?" She pretends to be surprised. "If he's yours, then why did he choose to sleep with me?"

By now, we've attracted every pair of eyes in the cafeteria. Even my friends' eyes are glued on the scene we're causing, not even uttering a word of defense.

What's funny is that, I seriously don't care.

"Oh, is that so?" I mimic her shrill voice. "I know that's a lie, Nicole. But don't worry, I understand that you were just desperate that you had to stoop so low that you made up such a lame rumor. Old habits die hard." I act bored.

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