Chapter 41: Or, we can make our own

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"When do the twins get home?" I ask, before grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving them into my mouth.

"I'm gonna go pick them up in an hour." Tristan responds, his eyes glued onto the screen before us.

"Okay, I'll prepare snacks for them then." I stand up from the comfortable couch, but Tristan gently grabs my wrist.

"Why now? You still have time." He pulls me closer to him. I end up siting on his lap and I face him.

"Tristan, I don't have an energy stored for you right now." I whine.

"I can recharge your battery." He teases, bringing his lips close to mine.

"I'm pretty sure that what you're thinking is going to make me even more tired." I chuckle.

"How do you know what I'm thinking?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Okay, tell me then. What's busy cooking in that mind of yours?"

"I'll show you." He crashes his lips on mine, causing my mind to malfunction. The contact is enough to smack the life out of me. His soft lips on mine provide enough energy to last me a month. Our lips move in sync, in harmony. His hands pull me by the waist, deepening the kiss, and I wrap my hands around his neck. He bites my bottom lip, and I allow him in. Ectasy runs through my veins, overcoming every blood cell in my body. The feeling of being so close to him is amazing. His arms are warmer than any blanket you may find. I run my hand through his brown locks and I feel him smile against my lips. My lips suddenly feel cold; my neck feels hot because of his lips on my skin. He places kisses on every exposed skin, including my collarbone, and the feeling almost causes me to moan.

He reconnects his lips with mine once more, but I detach them against to kiss his jawline. He tilts his head and I trace my lips to his ear.

"Exactly what I thought." I whisper into his ear, before standing up from my position on his lap, leaving him in a slight daze.

"Hey! Not fair." He pouts. His swollen lips make it harder for me to concentrate.

"Fetch the twins." I chuckle.

"Or, we can make our own." He winks.

"Go." I command him, rolling my eyes at his perverted self.

"Yes, ma'am." He stands up while muttering something under his breath, along the lines of, 'why's she acting like my wife'.

I smack the back of his head as he passes me by and he lets out a yelp. I chuckle and earn a rolling of eyes from his brown orbs, and after his finally out of the house, I turn on my heel and direct my steps towards the kitchen.

"So, you like my son?" A manly voice startles me and I almost jump at seeing the authoritative man in front of me.

I give him a quizzical look. "You're cheeks are flushes, you're lips are swollen. . . and you were practically making out on the couch." Mr. Wilder says, before raising a glass of water to his lips.

"M-Mr. Wilder. . ." I stutter, my cheeks gaining a deeper red.

"Call me Jared, and don't worry, I approve." He winks at me, and sets the glass in his grasp onto the island. "Anyway, I have to go back to the office. See you later."

"Goodbye Mr. Wil-- Jared." I greet.

"Bye, Hailey." He chuckles. "Thank you for bringing my son back. He hasn't been the same since his sister died." He sends me an appreciative smile and walks out.

His sister.


"Hailey!" A beautiful voice fit for an angel greets me.

"Hi Emily," I pick up the cute packet of energy, and she responded by wrapping her tiny arms around my neck. "How was school?"

"School was awesome!" She chirps. Her blonde locks fall perfectly beside her toddler face, her eyes bringing light to the room. You can tell that one day, she's going to steal everyone's oxygen.

"Okay, I'm glad." I smile. "Are you hungry?" I ask and I receive an enthusiastic nod.

"Okay. I made you guys snacks." I say and put her down.

"Hailey!" A very chirpy Evan yells my name, enjoying his seat on Tristan's broad shoulders.

"Hi Evan!" I smile at the ray of sunshine.

"Guess what?" He claps his hands excitedly.

"Tristy's gonna take us to go watch a movie!"

"Yay!" Emily cheers along with her brother, while Tristan rolls his eyes.

"Oh really? Which movie?" I ask, already placing the kids snacks on the island. I just made them a healthy sandwich and plain yogurt.

"The Incredibles 2." Tristan sighs, placing Evan on the ground.

"That's awesome. I'll join you guys." I say. "Here are your snacks. Go eat them in the TV room and we'll join you guys in a sec." I give them their food and they quickly say thank you before racing to get hold of the remote.

"Those two are handfuls." Mutters Tristan.

"No, they're just very adorable and lucky to have you as a brother." I take a seat on one of the stools next to him.

"Psh, how am I good brother if I let my own sister die." His tongue slips out. Clearly those are words he never intended to utter.

"You're sister." I sigh.

"I'm sorry. Let's not talk about it." He stands up and gives my forehead a peck, before leaving to join the twins.

His sister is a difficult topic. Even though it's the second time he mentions his sister, one can see that it's almost as if he's going to let the bucket of emotions spill. Anger radiates off of him each time he mentions her. I can't help, but ponder on how did he let her die. Surely, he must only point the finger at himself due to self pity, but there must be a clear explanation to this.

It definitely involves Henry and Luther-- the same reason they want me.

But what actually happened?


End of another chapter!

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I will see Y'all in the next one.

-Savannah Pirtle

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