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"Someone matched you? Oh my god. No way," Nadia gasped, "show. Right now." She flew off her seat and dashed to Y/n's side, knocking over that one chair he had, earning a dirty look from Y/n.

Y/n clicked lazily on the link in gmail. He wasn't as excited as Nadia was, clearly. He was probably some snake enthusiast who wanted to be a naga. In fact, how old was this person, even..? Twelve years was the maximum for Y/n.

His password was saved, thankfully, and instead, the man's profile was brought up in an instant.

Y/n gasped.

Okay. The photo itself was pretty bad. But..

The person in it wasn't. It was blurry and out of focus, and only captured the man's face, but it couldn't hide the good looks of him. He had long, black hair—that looked like velvet, Y/n noted—and didn't look like he could be more than thirty. Twenty-nine, at the very most. He had a sharp jawline; strong eyebrows that were closely knitted, and there was something rather...well, not evil, per say, but..cold? Venomous? It didn't matter. He was hot. His eyes were a complete coal black. Almost...every part of him was so...beautiful. The photo was cut off at his shoulders, but Y/n didn't care.

"Wait. Y/n, he's hot," Nadia hissed, "oh my god. He's hot!"

Y/n sighed.

"Yes, he is. I can see that."

Nadia pinched his shoulder. "And why are you so unenthusiastic? Shouldn't you be like, on cloud nine?"

"He's probably a catfish," Y/n mourned, "and, isn't it so upsetting? That such a hot human being sees himself as a Naga. A snake."

"Hey," Nadia objected, "Nagas can be hot. And they are realllyyy intelligent. And they live long lives. If you score a naga boyfriend, just be careful of the venom when you kiss. Besides, you're pretty good looking yourself."

She saw the expression Y/n bore.

"Okay! I was just joking. Not about your looks though—but I think you should check it out. He's hot, and he's probably rich. Aren't those really expensive earrings he's wearing?" Nadia squinted at the photo, "then you'll consider your financial problems solved. Killing two birds with one stone."

"I guess.." Y/n surveyed the photo a little longer. Was this some photo off Pinterest? Or was this really, really him?

"I've to go," Nadia informed him, "keep me updated. Alexis is calling me. Later!" She waved at him, scurrying away.

How convenient, Y/n scoffed.

He looked at his phone again. The person only seemed to get hotter and hotter as he looked. Aruna, the name read. Y/n quite liked it.

His fingers hovered over the chat button, and Y/n swallowed, trying to gain some sort of confidence—





Y/n tried to process it.

Did the stranger just say hi to him? Did the stranger just make the first move?

And too bad for him, his read receipts were on. Which meant Aruna already saw the fact he read it.


Y/n L/n

Hey ^^ I saw we matched LOL

nice profile picture, by the way 😉😉😮‍💨

I swear my friend FREAKED OUT when she saw you


You look nice yourself.

𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | yandere [BL] ✓ Where stories live. Discover now