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Out of pure curiosity, Y/n had made a habit to search it up. Half man, half snake..

What a peculiar choice to write Naga, of all things. Did Aruna have some sort of interest in snakes? Some sort of connection with them? Whatever it was, during the car ride, Y/n snuck peeks at Google to ensure he had some snake facts memorized. And there were certainly a handful...that he didn't really need to know.

Like the fact that Nagas, or snakes..had..


He didn't even want to think of it. He couldn't deny sex appeal was literally wafting off Aruna, but..

"Um," Y/n cleared his throat, "so where are we going?"

"A restaurant," was all Aruna replied, "I take it you're fine with anything? Any allergies? Any..."

"Oh no, I'm fine," Y/n said hastily, "really."

"Alright then," There was a brief, awkward silence, and Y/n really hated awkward silence. He focused on Aruna's voice: low and slightly breathy, and very bad for Y/n's heart. There was some sort of..hiss to it too, but it wasn't in a suffocating way. It was in a hot way, if that made any sense.

Y/n blinked dazedly, and their eyes met in the mirror.

Y/n managed a weak smile.

And Aruna smiled back.

This was really, really bad for his heart.

Y/n wondered to himself, just how they looked to a passer-by.

Did someone walk by and think: I don't think that guy is good enough for him? Or did they think: are they rich enough to spend so much money?

They were sitting in a restaurant that was obviously expensive judging from the sheer obscene amount of tasteful, extravagant amounts of decorations, and the fact that...well, they were two men. In a romantic setting. Y/n thanked his lucky stars that Nadia had lent him a relatively formal suit.

And god. There were no menu prices. Y/n ordered a plain salad. Hopefully it was the least expensive, or at least that was what Y/n had hoped for, before it came with gold flakes on it, and Y/n could feel a sudden feeling in his empty stomach. Like he was burning a hole in his wallet.

"Do you it?" Aruna frowned. He tapped the table.




"No," Y/n stammered, "it's really, um, good! I feel all the nutrients and..." He deflated, "okay, never mind." He carefully speared an olive, twirling it on his fork. He didn't know table manners. He didn't have table manners. Simply put, he was doomed. He popped the olive in his mouth to prove his point that yay! The salad was so delicious!

Aruna looked unconvinced. He had ordered some sort of venison for himself. But Y/n noticed he wasn't eating that much of it. He didn't seem to enjoy it.

"You don't have to force yourself," He said, "we can order something else."

Speak for yourself.

"Oh, I really like it," He shook his head, "I love it." He forced a bright grin.

Okay, that was a bit much.

Y/n raised his head meekly, expecting to see some sort of disapproval towards him, but instead—

Huh? Was that the slightest bit of a smile? So Aruna wasn't emotionless, after all!

Aruna waved over a waiter.

𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | yandere [BL] ✓ Where stories live. Discover now