Chapter 9

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It was night once again. Draco had tried to talk to Pansy, but every time they made eye contact, Pansy ran away.

'What am I supposed to do man, she won't even look at me' Draco complained to Blaise. He told Blaise what had happened on the train, and the events which happened today. It was fine, since Blaise knew Draco was already a death eater. Draco told him before he had gotten the mark, and Blaise had comforted him, along with Pansy.

Blaise was really surprised when Draco told him about the train incident. 'Really dude, is that what the Potter boy came up with?' he said.

'She still thinks you're in love with Potter' he said plainly as he read a book.

'But I'm not! Pansy is my one and only love' Draco cried.

'Why are you telling this to me, what am I supposed to do?'

Draco sighed. 'Guess I'll confront her myself.'

'Oh, wait I want to see the drama' he heard Blaise say behind him.

He scanned the room for Pansy and found her sitting on a window still. She was looking outside, sniffing. Draco cautiously walked up to her. 'Pansy?'

Pansy looked at Draco. She looked like she was crying a few minutes before. Draco didn't really know how to comfort anyone, so he did what he was best at, insulting Potter.

'Pansy, you know I'll never fall in love with that wierdo' Draco assured.

'Are- are you telling the truth?' Pansy finally spoke to him.

'Yeah! I am. And he's no way prettier than you' Draco scoffed. There was a bit of lie in what Draco said. Harry was a bit prettier than Pansy. But not prettier than him. No one's prettier than me, Draco thought.

'But people say they've heard you say your in love with him' Pansy sniffed. Draco was taken out from his lala land.

'What? Who? Where are they right now?' Draco said angrily.

He wanted to find out who had made him publicly gay for snotty boy.

'Is it true Draco?' Pansy asked. 'No! I hate him. I want to find who's spreading these rumors.'

'Blaise told me' Pansy said, pointing behind Draco's shoulder. 'Blaise!' Draco shouted. 'Why didn't you tell me you knew who it was?!'

'Well, I wanted to see the drama between you and Pansy first' he replied in an innocent voice. Draco went over to him. 'Who was it?'

Blaise whispered to him.

For the next 1 hour of Draco's life, he went to numerous children, asking/threatening who they heard the rumor from. He finally found the "supposed" culprit.

'You're Neville Longbottom, aren't you?' Draco asked. He ended up outside of Hogwarts, near the giant lake. Neville was there, sitting and looking at the waters.

'Um' Neville looked at Draco, unsure if he should answer him. 'Yeah'

Draco sat down next to him. If he wanted the truth, he'll have to approach cautiously.

'I used to make fun of you for not being able to remember' Draco said, not knowing how to start a conversation. 'Yeah, I uh remember that.'

This was already taking too long for Draco, so his impatient ass asked. 'Did you spread rumors of me and Harry Potter?'

Neville couldn't hold it any longer and burst into tears, which surprised Draco a bit. 'I'm sorry! I just got too jealous because of you and Harry and Ginny! I know I shouldn't have done it!' He sobbed with his hands over his eyes.

'Uhh, calm down will you?' Draco said stupidly. He awkwardly patted Neville's shoulder. 'Can you explain everything?'

Neville got himself together. He explained how on the 1st day of the school year, he had gone to Dumbledore to ask about where Harry was as Ron had told him to. He didn't go, as he heard Harry and Draco shouting outside of his office. He had gone back after what he heard them fight about. Then the next day, he saw Ginny give something to him. Neville knew what it was, but just wanted to confirm it.

He snuck into Harry's room at night and took the paper. He read it and burned it. He was angry and jealous. So, he spread the rumor. He whispered it to a few Slytherin and Gryffindor students the next early morning, and it spread like wildfire. And now, there he was, spilling it out to the person he aimed the rumor at.

Draco didn't say anything for a moment. He was going to kill the person who spread the rumor, but seeing him cry in front of him, he felt to have some mercy.

But he didn't understand who would do such a thing.

'But it's not true, you know I don't date people that ugly' Draco said, confidently.

'It- It's not true?' Neville said in disbelief.

'Of course not, I was just taunting him. Platonically' Draco said. He was about to leave until he remembered an important question.

'Why did you do it?'

'Huh?' Neville said, sniffing.

'Why did you start the rumor' Draco repeated.

'Isn't it obvious' Neville said in a pathetic voice. 'I- I like Harry'

Draco was speechless.

'I know, it sounds pathetic doesn't it? He's way to out of my league. And he'll never date someone like me. And I bet he won't ever talk to me again after you tell him what I've done' Neville continued. 'I don't think he even knows I exist.'

Draco was disappointed. Who would ever lower their standards, so low, to fall for Harry Potter? 'That's so stupid.'

'What?' Neville asked, rubbing his eyes.

'Potter is not even close to attractive, you can do better'

Neville was a bit offended at what Draco said.

'First of all' Draco started. 'Harry Potter is a fool. You don't need me to say that. And there's too much drama with him. I think it's mostly on how ugly he is. He's associated with the Dark lo- '

Draco stopped himself. Only death eaters call him the dark lord. 'Voldemort. He's associated with him too much. And he's just way too ugly. I know I'm saying this again, but just look at him. With his ugly hair and ugly glasses. How do you find him attractive even.' Draco realized he had gone too far. Neville was now standing.

Draco thought Neville was going to hit him for how much shit he was talking about Potter. But instead, he just started laughing. 'I find it funny how you describe him.'

'Huh?' Draco asked. 'See, that's how you describe him, cause you see him like that

'But to me, Harry is a hero. You should've seen him when we fought the death eaters at the Ministry of Magic. He looked like he belonged there. He's so skilled with spells. I mean, what's not to love? To me, he's handsome, he's brave, he's talented, I'm not sure about smart, but in other cases, he's perfec-'

Draco put his hand on Neville's mouth to shut him. 'Dude, you don't have to lie for him'

He felt a bit jealous of Harry. He never heard anyone compliment himself, or even fall for him. 'It's true!' Neville muffled.

Draco chuckled. 'Yeah, right' and put his hand away. 'I'm going' he said since Neville got a bit better. He stood up and walked away but stopped.

'Wait, are you going to tell Harry?' Neville asked. Draco turned around and looked at him. 'Please don't tell Harry. He'll hate me for the rest of his life and I can't even bear thinking about it!' Neville pleaded.

Draco pitied him. 'Fine' and walked back to the castle. 

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