Chapter 17

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'Oh Harry! You've grown so tall' Mrs.Weasley exclaimed. 'And Ginny, I didn't even recognize you!'

Harry and Ron had reached the ginger's house, with Ginny behind them.

After setting up their things in Ron's room, Harry lay on his bed, depressed. 'Mate, I'm sure Hedwig's going to show up. She's your owl for speaking out loud' Ron reassured.

Harry kept quiet. A dazzling, enchanting voice suddenly appeared in the halls of the house. A voice Harry could instantly recognize.

'Fleur is here?'

'Yeah, she's staying here until the weddings over' Ron said, an overcast forming in his face about the subject.

Harry changed his position on the bed and tried his best to think about something else, but the only thing he thought about was his owl.

While in thought, a weird, purple, toy mouse started walking towards him from the bedrest. It just suddenly appeared. It walked until it left Harry's sight and he heard it stop directly above his head.

The mouse started shaking, and it burst open, revealing a green gooey substance which splattered all over Harry's hair and face.

Harry got up in fear, not knowing what it was.

'Fred! George!' Ron scoffed. 'Don't put your toys in my room!'

Harry wiped the goo with his sleeve, disgusted with the smell.

'You've just became a victim of my brothers' experiments' Ron giggled, and tried to not smile.

'And you might want to take a bath. Only hot water can remove the goo in your hair'

Draco reached the dreaded gates of his house. His butler was standing inside the gates, waiting for him.

'Hey Howard' Draco greeted. 'Hello Mr. Mafloy'

'You know you don't have to call me that' Draco said.

Howard opened the gates, and taking Draco's bags, followed behind him up to the house.

The doors to his own house have never looked scarier to him, but behind it was something even more worser, his mother. His mother opened the door for him, and it seemed like she didn't even want to go inside to talk about the call.

But instead of yelling at him, she said 'Hello Draco darling' in a suspicious sweet voice. Her face showed not an once of anger or disgust. It seemed like she had not even gotten the call.

'Hi mother' Draco's voice was barely audible.

'Why don't you come in?' She made way for her son and butler. Draco gulped and entered.

Howard went to Draco's room to return the bags, so it was just him and his mother now. The second Howard left the room, the wide grin on Narcissa disappeared.

'Draco Lucius Malfoy' Narcissa snapped. 'When we put you in school this year, we only had in mind that you completed whatever task the Dark Lord assigned you. Not for you to mingle with the students'

Draco opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. His mother continued, her tone changing.

'Day and night we worry for you Draco. The task that the Dark Lord has given you must affect your mental health somehow wouldn't it? There is not much we can do, with your father stuck in prison. You must not worry Draco, I've already handed your task to someone else'

Draco was mute. He had no clue what his mother was on about. He feared she had crossed the line and became borderline insane.

'Draco darling, please do not fret. I know you are angry at us for enslaving you, and you retaliate at us by doing this nonsense in school.' She was whispering now, with her hand caressing Draco's face.

Draco felt the need to laugh a bit at what his mother had said. It was good to know that she thought this was all a joke. Yet, he felt a little annoyed by that point.

'Yes mother' he said, his voice shaky.

Something was up. 

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