"They've got so much junk in here,"I say kicking away a telescope.

"I know right!"

"I can hear something,"I say as we hear footsteps.

"Don't move,"My twin sister Ginny hisses at me."And shut up!"

"I know!"I hiss back."I've played this before,"

Ginny kicks me,and I almost let out a yelp.


We're back from the trip to Egypt and playing Hide and Jinx.

Me and Ginny are in Fred and George's room.

I didn't think that they'd check in here.
But I'm wrong.

We can hear footsteps,that clearly belong to Fred and George.
Then they stop.

They start again.
Then pause again.

Then they're stomping,running toward the room that we're in.

We move apart from behind the door, me under Fred's bed and Ginny in their closet.

The door burst open just as I slid under the bed.

Two sets of footsteps fill the room.
"We know that you're in here."Fred says.

"Both of you,"George finishes.


"And Ginny,"

"Emily,I can literally see your foot under my bed,"

I groan internally.

The closet creaks.

"Which means Ginny's either under my bed or in the closet."

I can literally feel their grins.

And that's how me and Ginny are marched down the stairs.

They don't trust us.We've ran and hid from them before in a game of Hide and Jinx.

Fred has handcuffed one of his wrists to mine,because I have fallen down the stairs enough times and need to hold a banister.

George has Ginny's wrist in his hands.
Her hand are behind her back.

Then Ginny trips over something.

Time slows down as George gapes at my twin,as his twin gapes at him.

Ginny is falling down the stairs and she's going to break something.

I quickly flick my wrist and my wand slides out of my sleeve and into my hand.

"Arestte Momento,"

Ginny's fall is broken but she still manages to break something.

"Well,would you look at that,"George muses,"At least Emily didn't fall down the stairs this time."

And that's how he ends up with both of us scowling at him.

George is helping Ginny dab a potion on a large cut on her forehead.

I'm looking at Mums book for healing.
I turn the page and there's a spell that can tell you if there's a broken bone or not.

So I cast it and the results aren't really great.

Ginny's ankle lights up red.
Mum's gonna have a fit.

"Ferula?"I try,hoping to not messing up.

Something white shoots out of my wand and wraps itself around Ginny's ankle.

"Mum?Can you make me a sandwich?"Percy yells.
We can hear him from the top of the stairs.

We look at each other,eyes wide.
Percy is going to snitch on us.

He does it all the time.

"Do something!"Fred hisses.

"Like what?"I ask."Obliviate him?Run?"

Footsteps are echoing down the stairs.

"I can't obliviate anyone,"Fred admits.

"I guess that leaves us with option 2."I say,"Run,"

Ginny is supported by Fred and George,as she can't really walk,let alone run.

We run a lot,into the part of the garden that nobody but us 4 has found.

There's a treehouse there,and we hide there until Mum calls us out.

In the end Ginny tells Mum and Percy that she fell down the stairs.

Technically it's not a lie.

Mum gives her a potion,that I recognise.
Probably a bit too well.

"What's that?"Ginny sniffs the potion.


I laugh but try cover it up quickly.
That potion is horrible.

Trust me I know.

Maybe that's the reason that Mum believed Ginny that easily.

Because I've done it so often.

Ginny swallows it,and gags. "What is this?It tastes horrible,"

"This is your uniform,girls,"Mum says,passing out trousers,shirts and ties.

I've gotten a new wand this year;Dad won 700 galleons and Mum bought us wands.
Wands that actually worked for us,and weren't hand-me-downs,for once.

"It's fine Mum,"I say,because our money problem is quite huge."I'll borrow Ashley's or Aria's.Even Astoria's,"

"It's fine,take these in case."Mum insists.


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