Aries: wants to leave because it's hot.
Taurus: Only wants to see the dolphins.
Gemini: Looks for the panda bears and never finds them.
Cancer: Goes to see the turtles.
Leo: Takes pictures of everything.
Virgo: Accidentally breaks the rail.
Libra: Knows the facts or story about the animals.
Scorpio: Takes selfies with the animals.
Sagittarius: Reaches out for the animals and falls in the cage.
Capricorn: Makes 50 plastic moulds.
Aquarius: Frees the animals.
Pisces: Gets splashed by a seal.
Horoscope Signs And Readings
DiversosThese are a bunch of horoscope/zodiac signs that I have retrieved from the Internet for your thoughts. Comment what you got and have the time of your life as you read. I will update every Saturday. So until then...