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CASSIE GROANED WHEN SHE AND HARRY FOUND Callie, Hermione and Ron in Hogsmeade

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CASSIE GROANED WHEN SHE AND HARRY FOUND Callie, Hermione and Ron in Hogsmeade. She couldn't deal with their teasing. Their teasing was bearable, until that night in the Great Hall where they woke up and saw Harry and Cassie in the same sleeping bag.

The sun was rising now, and Callie had woken up. She always woke up at the sunrise, it was just a habit. She turned on her side to see if Cassie was okay, but furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

She wasn't in her sleeping bag.

As Callie looked at Harry, she let a small smile appear on her face as she saw her twin sister curled into Harry's side. She shook Hermione and Ron awake, making the latter groan in annoyance, before letting out a loud awe.

"What the fuck, Ron?" Aurora asked, leaning over to slap him. "You woke me up!"

"But — But look," Ron said, pointing at Harry and Cassie, "They're sleeping together! Isn't that cute!"

"Very," Aurora said, turning on her side to sleep. Then, she sprung up, her eyes wide. "Oh my fucking god! That is Harry and Cassie and they are cuddling!"

It's safe to say they all loved teasing the duo to the point they were as red as the Gryffindor colour. Callie was the first to spot them, and she immediately pointed them out to Hermione and Ron.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed, "What are you doing here? How — How did you —?"

"Wow!" Ron interrupted, his eyes wide, "You've learned to apparate!"

"Don't be stupid," Callie rolled her eyes, "Fred and George obviously gave him a special map that shows people where they are in the castle so he was able to sneak out."

Harry and Cassie exchanged a glance, making Callie smirk. "It was my idea for them to give it to you," Callie told him, grinning at the boy who avoided her eyes. He knew that if he were to make eye contact, then the teasing would start, both he and Cassie didn't want to be teased.

Hermione looked at Harry, she was incredibly confused on what the map did. "So, this map, what about it is so special?" She asked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Callie sighed, she knew exactly what Hermione's reaction would be.

Harry groaned, before explaining to Hermione exactly how the map worked. Callie was right, Hermione was furious about the map. Ron was outraged, "How come Fred and George never gave it to me!" He exclaimed, "I'm their brother!"

"Well," Cassie said, "Harry is the one who needs it to come to Hogsmeade."

Hermione shook her head disapprovingly. "But Harry isn't going to keep it!" She said, "He's going to hand it in to Professor McGonagall, aren't you, Harry?"

Cassie looked at Hermione like she was stupid. "No, I'm not!" Harry said, shaking his head slightly with his eyebrows furrowing.

"Are you mad?" Ron asked Hermione, "Hand in something that good?"

"Yeah," Callie grinned, "I didn't bribe the twins, well... Fred, for nothing."

Cassie looked at Callie with eyebrows furrowed. Callie gave Cassie a look that said I'll tell you later, making the Hufflepuff nod her head slightly. "If I hand it in, I'll have to say where I got it!" Harry exclaimed with a frown, "Filch would know Fred and George had nicked it!"

"But what about Sirius Black?" Hermione hissed, "He could be using one of the passages on that map to get into the castle! The teachers have got to know!"

Cassie sighed, rubbing her temples. Harry looked at her worriedly, before saying, "He can't be getting in through a passage," As he continued, Callie pulled Cassie away from the group. Cassie's face was red from the cold, she had no clue she would be going to Hogsmeade, so she was only in jeans and a t-shirt.

Unfortunately, as the twins walked further away from the others, they were unaware they were walking closer and closer to Azalea. Azalea smirked when she spotted them, walking up to them and gripping Cassie's arm harshly. "It's quite pitiful that your only hanging around with Callie now." She said, "I'm really not surprised the others ditched you, I would've done it the second you spoke to me."

Callie glared at her, "You are so lucky that mum haven't kicked you out yet, just wait until I tell her what you've done to Cassie." She spoke in a low voice, not wanting anyone else to overhear their conversation.

"Go ahead," Azalea smirked, her eyes narrowing as she stared at her sisters with nothing but hatred in her eyes.

Callie was gobsmacked, "You -- Are you sure you want me to tell mum and get you kicked out?"

In all honesty, Callie didn't want to do that to Azalea. Yes, she is a bitch, but she was still their sister. She knew their mother would worry a lot if Azalea was to get kicked out.

"Trust me, I know what I want." And with that being said, Azalea let go of Cassie's arm and walked off. Cassie glanced at her arm, frowning. Azalea's nails had dug into her arm, and blood had been drawn.

Callie glared at Azalea's retreating figure. "I fucking hate her," She said, "Come on, let's go get some butterbeer." As they entered The Three Broomsticks, Callie smirked and looked at her sister, "You definitely like him."

"I don't like Harry," Cassie rolled her eyes, groaning in annoyance.

Callie's smirk widened, "That's funny," She said, "I never said Harry."

Cassie could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, and she knew that her hair was a light shade of pink. "When are you going to stop with the teasing?" She asked, choosing a seat at a table in the corner.

Callie grinned, "When you both admit you like each other and get together." She said, making Cassie roll her eyes in annoyance. She knew that Callie was a stubborn person, so she knew that she will continue to tease her until they were all growing old with grey hairs on their head.

"What did you say to bribe Fred?" Cassie wondered, trying to change the conversation away from her and Harry. Thankfully, it worked.

"I said I'd get him a date with Aurora, he is so in love with her and have been since their first year. It's a bit like you and Harry, I saw the way you two were looking at each other when the other wasn't looking. The only difference is Fred will admit he is in love with Aurora, and she will admit she has feelings for Fred."

Cassie's face was bright red. Yes, she often found herself looking at Harry when he wasn't looking, but that wasn't because she liked him... "Wait here, I'm going to order us some butterbeers." As Callie went to get the butterbeers, Cassie shivered. She was freezing.

She could feel someone place a hoodie on her shoulders. "Put it on, you're freezing," Harry said, taking the seat next to her while Hermione sat opposite her. Hermione was grinning at Harry and Cassie.

"But then you'll be cold!" She exclaimed, shoving the hoodie back in his direction.

"No," Harry said, "I brought an extra one with me just in case." He smiled at Cassie as she huffed, putting the jumper on. Harry couldn't lie, looking at Cassie in his jumper made his face feel warm and his heart feel fuzzy.

Callie returned to the table, "Ron insisted on getting our butterbeers," She told Cassie, taking the seat at the end of the table. "I swear he fancies Madam Rosmerta or somet -- OH MY MERLINS BALLS, YOU'RE WEARING HIS HOODIE!"

A/N: This ending was cute, I love Callie being Hassie's biggest supporter. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I hate Azalea with a passion. She is a horrible person.
QOTD: who is your favourite slytherin boy?
AOTD: draco malfoy!

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