C1: A rumor about North East

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#3th persons pov#

Pitaya dragon Cookie let out a chest full sigh as he slammed his cup down on his table. He was overrun with boredom ever since he was kicked off his throne by Hollyberry cookie, now having nothing to do in his life other than keep a consistent juice to jam level of 4%. He clenched his jaw and put his forehead on the table as he growled to himself, his annoyance being cut by the gossip of 2 cookies that looked not so Hollyberrian.

Cookie 1:" really? Is it really that bad? But why would the Dark cacao kingdom stop helping its surrounding villages, beast attacks shouldn't be a problem to deal with for them, aren't the entire kingdom baked and trained for combat?"

Cookie 2:" That's what I am saying! But apparently king Dark cacao cookie won't let anyone in or out of the great walls of chocolate to make sure nothing of the licorice sea leaks behind. The door is locked from inside to everyone and such a construction would surely be hard to pass. Imagine, a 30 Cookie tall wall that weighs probably over tens of kilograms!"

Pitaya dragon cookie raised his head and felt something on his chest, hope, a hope that he might be able to find somewhere to entertain himself at. That kingdom seemed like one that would not be as merciful as the Hollyberry cookie if they were to be attacked by him, but there is still one question. Could they actually last long enough? Or is this kingdom just scared of the monsters and beasts outside since it can be new or too weak for handling them at the moment. pitaya cookie decided to join in on the conversation. Good day to be wear his disguise outfit.

Pitaya dragon cookie:" Excussse me. I happen to hear you chattering, may I asssk a thing or two about that... -ehm what wasss it.. Oh, Dark cacao kingdom!"

Cookie 2:" oh, Sure! I was there for exploration earlier this year and I am always happy to share my adventures with others!"

Pitaya dragon cookie:" great(!) Can you tell me how long thisss kingdom hassss been around for and about this Dark cocoa cookie?"

Cookie 2:" Dark cacao kingdom is a place that has been around for decades, Well over a hundred years! And Dark cacao cookie is an ancient cookie like miss Hollyberry cookie, some say that if she and her shield is an immovable object, Dark cacao is an unstoppable force! He has been known for defeating the dragons of North and South by his own and he also took part in the great dark flour war with the other ancient cookies."

The other cookies jaw was on the table while the pitaya dragon cookie was almost trembling in his chair. To think he could fight someone that would actually fight back instead of being on defense the whole time was a dream of his, and to think this person defeated dragons like him before, even if they were quite the weaklings as far as his knowledge goes, was simply perfect

Pitaya dragon cookie:" Ehem- well, may I asssk where this great kingdom isss located?"

Cookie 2:" It is north East from the Hollyberry palace. Plan to go? I am not judging, just know that it is 4 times colder than here and the beasts there have no mercy! Be prepared is what I am sayin."

Pitaya dragon cookie slightly nod with a soft grin before chugging his berry juice, grabbed his bag and walking out the inn. He checked the bag and saw his dragon armor, smirking to himself.

"Cold and dangerousss?" AHA! That land will ssssee the true danger asss I burn their frozen land with my flamesss...if I am disssappointed that isss~" he thought to himself

He trew his bag at his back and made his way to the Dark cacao kingdom, North East from the palace. He was trembling in joy as he walked through the Hollyberry kingdom, gazing on it before leaving trough the forest to hopefully never need to come back.

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