C3: A long await

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𖢣Pitaya dragon cookie pov𖢋

I woke up to a bright light shining to my face. When I opened my eyes and took a few minutes to adjust to the environment I remembered where I was, The prison of the dark cacao kingdom. I tried and remembered what happened yesterday and my agreement with the king of this land. It was a pretty sweet deal for me, since napping in my nest was the only Thing I did before I started my journey to find a cookie, strong enough to duel me.

After shaking my head around to wake up I realized that I slept on my left wing, the painful cramps giving that away. I placed my hands on the floor and sat on my knees before stretching my wings as much as possible, my full wings length reaching to the cell's ceiling. As I was stretching I heard a small "whow" come from outside the bars of the cell. When I turned to see who it was I locked eyes with a light doughed cookie with hair that went white, brown and light orange root to end in dark armor like the ones I saw the watchers on the wall wear. He seemed to be impressed with my wings.

Pitaya dragon cookie:" Well, well. Liked my wingssss little cookie? Why thank you. And who might you be?"

Vanilla mocha cookie:" Oh! My name is vanilla mocha cookie, and this is my twin sister cinnamon mocha cookie. We are the guards assigned to watch your behavior and report your actions to the king dark ca-"

Pitaya dragon cookie:"- I only asssked your name, ssssmall one! I was awake asss dark cacao cookie wasss explaining your job. "

I said and the cookie fell silent instantly. I stood up and walked towards the bars, seeing a second cookie that was napping, leaning against the wall. She was like a genderbend version of the male one, except for the cinnamon sprinkles on her hair. To be honest, at first glance the boy looked more girly than his sister and vice versa.

Pitaya dragon cookie:" sssso, it is Friday I am asssssuming. ssso I have 2 more daysss to go trough before you bring me to that sssaid training ground."

Vanilla mocha cookie:" correct. Also, may I ask why is it that his majesty ordered you to be taken there at that specific time?"

Pitaya dragon cookie:" It isss... A agreement. He fightssss me for a hour or ssso once every 2 weeksss and I offer my physssical sssupport at any war and battle he needsss a hand in. What can I sasay, I like fighting."

Vanilla mocha cookie:" Oh... Well, if the king agreed to it I have nothing against your agreement. Please, just don't kill our ruler."

Pitaya dragon cookie:" I plan not to little one. Anyways, what else you wanna talk about?"

𖢋 Meanwhile : dark cacao cookie 𖤅

As I was watching the training of the dark cacao warriors from afar, the moment I saw Caramel arrow cookie and pitaya dragon cookie battle came in front of my eyes. Tho she was trying not to show it, it was the first and only moment I say fear in caramel arrow cookie's eyes. She was genuinely fearing, not for her life if I know her correct, for the though she might not last long enough for reinforcements and me to come.

To be honest, I was slightly scared of them too. The more I think about the wild and sadistic joy in pitaya dragon cookie's eyes, I am starting to wonder if the Sunday's duel will be as smooth as I hope it to be. I might have to bring my cacaojam sword with me...

Crunchy chip cookie:" Emm... My king? Are you okay?"

Dark cacao cookie:" ! A- crunchy chip cookie, apologies if I seemed distant. I am just a bit stressed is all, do not worry. How is he training going, is there any complications?"

Crunchy chip cookie:" no sir! Everyone is as dedicated and focused as always."

Dark cacao cookie:" Good, I need to leave now, I have some preparations to do."

Crunchy chip cookie:" on what sir?"

Dark cacao cookie:" Its quite a personal matter."

Crunchy chip cookie:" O-oh. I understand sir. I wish you ease."

I nod and left the training ground. "Ease" huh? That I might need greatly when the time comes. Till that, the best I can do is wait and be prepared. The time is close.

I am sorry that this chapter was a bit too short, I will make up tomorrow I swear! I just wanted to upload something today. Anyways, have a nice night!!

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