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𝙄𝙉 𝙒𝙃𝙄𝘾𝙃 you had been rescued and restrained after the Capitol tortured and brainwashed you for informations

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𝙄𝙉 𝙒𝙃𝙄𝘾𝙃 you had been rescued and restrained after the Capitol tortured and brainwashed you for informations

✎ 𝟎𝟎𝟐 ; 𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐆𝐎 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊

↳ ❝ [How can what I've witnessed with my own eyes be fake, Katniss?] ¡! ❞

I woke up, my breathing was heavy, irregular, and my heart felt like it was going to explode. I looked around and couldn't recognize the room I was in. My thoughts and my mind were blurry, mixing together.

The room was rather small, I was laying against what seemed like a strange sort of hospital bed. I tried to stand up, in vain. I was restrained by some weird handcuffs. On my hand, and on my legs.

Even if I'd try to debate myself against them, it wouldn't break, that was pretty obvious. I scanned the room, a metallic automatic door stood in the corner of the white room.

I could vaguely see how damaged and bruised my body was, and it'd hurt when I move. I decided to stay still, and wait, wait, wait.

After what seemed like forever, the automatic door opened, revealing...Peeta Mellark. My eyes widened, fear building up inside of me, he's a menace, I have to run, I have to get away.

"No,no no no no" I muttered under my breath, as he carefully approached me. "Hey..listen." He started, placing his hands in front of his body as if trying to calm me. I could not trust this being, never.

"Get away from me, mutt. You're a menace, you want to kill me. The Capitol told me that's all you want, to kill me." I snarled, I screamed at the top of my lungs, drooling due to how much anger I was spitting onto him.

His eyes seemed to widen, I could almost read through his expression that he was deeply heartbroken by each of my words. I was not aware of how much brainwashing and torture the Capitol has put me through, how much I suffered, how Peeta and Katniss had struggled to save me, Johanna and Annie, who got out of it probably in a better state that I could ever be.

He knew deeply inside of his mind, that even if I'd recover, I could never be the girl that once was sweet and affectionate, kind and generous. Something would always be different from now on, but no matter what, he's ready to stay with me still.

"Please, listen. I'm not going to hurt you. I could never harm you. The Capitol tortured you, they did it to hurt me, Katniss, you, everyone. President Snow is evil. Please believe me." He begged, I could see some tears forming in the corner of his eyes, he was sincere, but my mind was foggy, fooling me.

𝐋𝐎𝐌𝐋 Josh HutchersonWhere stories live. Discover now