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𝙄𝙉 𝙒𝙃𝙄𝘾𝙃 your enemy isn't so much your enemy anymore

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𝙄𝙉 𝙒𝙃𝙄𝘾𝙃 your enemy isn't so much your enemy anymore


↳ ❝ [Are you serious or are you just trying to make a fool of me?] ¡! ❞

I stare at the clock ticking on the wall. I feel the glaring of Clapton on my back, eyeing me like I'm some kind of weirdo, probably.

I've never really went along with him, ever. There wasn't any specific reasons for it, we just didn't. He'd tease me all the time at school and even outside of school, as we live in right next to each other.

It was getting closer to the end of class, and school for the week, it was absolutely tiring me out at the maximum, I laid my arms and my head on my desk, closing my eyelids for a while.

I woke up by not the bell ringing but a soft hand brushing my hair away from my face. It tickled me as my vision was getting clearer. The first thing i could see was Clapton smiling to himself, following by a chuckle. He picked up his supplies and left without saying anything. I knew that was his doing, as he was the only remaining person in class besides me.

It left me speechless, wondering why he'd do this to me, mostly upon an enemy of his. How strange can that be? I reached my locker, immersed into my thoughts. I got back to reality and almost bumped into Billy, who looked in an enraged mood, most likely still mad at Clapton for trying to hit on her ex last year, even though she ended up turning him down. Clapton wasn't her type.

I think I've also heard that Riley has took her chance as well, and it worked for a few weeks, but in the end they lost feelings and broke up. They still remained friends, thinking it was better that way. Me and Riley weren't that close, but we still were good friends nonetheless.

"Hi Riley!" I waved as I opened wide my locker, as she did the same to her locker being right next to mine. "What's up Y/n? Are you still living next to Clapton? I could come over to yours in a few days, I need your help for a test. Would that be good?" She proposed, a warm smile curving on her lips. I nodded happily and shoved some random books and manuals into my bag, before locking my locker and running outside.

I've been informed this morning about the rain late after school, but as soon as I set foot outside, I felt raindrops hitting me, barely at first, but then, so rapidly.

I couldn't risk checking if I owned an umbrella and ran, my footsteps echoing as I ran down the street in a hurry. I though I looked pretty today, but that definitely ruined my look, which honestly sucks.

𝐋𝐎𝐌𝐋 Josh HutchersonWhere stories live. Discover now