Jareth and Odin had said goodbye reluctantly...the path to the Wiseman a long and uncertain journey,he had left his sarah under the watchful eyes of ludo and hoggle...she had been overjoyed to see them.. he had chuckled at the sight of Toby being grabbed into the air by ludo...he had sat laughing out loud on his shoulders as the gentle beast ambled round the castle...Odin nudged jareth as they watched.."I believe the boy has settled brother " he chortled..Rossa appeared at his side smiling. "Go now..I will watch your guests ,you do not need to be concerned jareth..just look after yourselves" came her soothing tone...she sensed his panic at leaving her so soon...he desperately wanted to stay and continue to gain her trust and friendship..not be parted so soon but he had to know why her stepmother had said what she did, the thought of their and the city's safety being at risk enough fuel to push him away.
"Goodbye sarah...be good Toby "he called out over the noise in the room.
Sarah stared over at the two men..they looked so serious..she didn't understand why exactly they were in such a hurry to leave..she had feared it had something to do with her being there but nissa had assured her before breakfast it was not.. " his highness has business to sort..nothing for you to be concerned about miss "she had briefly said .
"Take care ,both of you....I hope you're not gone too long " was all she could say whilst Rossa slipped an arm through hers and gave her hand a squeeze.
With that they were gone..once out of the castle doors they transformed to their owl form and soared over the labyrinth,the weather in their favour today ,they could see clearly where they headed...slowing down briefly over the gates where boggle usually held court they started their dissent down to the ground.
As their feet hit the sand,they checked by the sun that they were heading west...Odin had said they would need to walk for an hour before reaching the forests of elinion..the wise man resided in a modest cottage with his wife ..tucked away from passing faes,trolls and goblin folk.
"I'll never understand why the old man lives like that" jareth grumbled.."I once offered him a house nearer the castle for goodness sake...with servants !" He shook his head..baffled at such a thought of living so basic .."who would turn down such an offer?"
" he likes solitude..he needs no luxuries brother..imagine living so close to those goblins,constantly wittering on...I can barely suffer them and I don't have his knowledge" Odin berated,"and you do not either jareth,you would do well to remember that in our meeting !"
He smirked...he knew how arrogant the goblin king was..he must hate the fact he was having to ask for answers" he nearly snorted trying not to laugh at his thoughts,but a red glow next to the path just ahead stopped him in his track..."Wait!" He swung his arm in front of them,
"What is it ?"
Odin crept forward seeing it was a crystal...peering closer it floated gently up in front of him..."look" he whispered,jareth came closer...he leant forward to try and grasp the Crystal, as his fingers touched the crystal shattered!
A plume of red mist escaped out and filled every spare space surrounding them. The gas choked the two men,weaving into their senses...turning their vision red..their taste to that of almost blood..they tried covering their eyes and mouths to no success..collapsing to the floor the gas closed in..Odin felt like his throat was closing in..his flailing arms reached for jareth pulling him closer..he couldn't see how his brother was coping but the feral screams coming from him assured him he was in agony too...
Not being able to escape the two men slowly passed out..
The light started to dim into early night as jareth slowly opened his eyes..rubbing them hard..he felt like they had been scratched with glass..he coughed and spluttered loudly as he sat up..glancing over he saw Odin laying still...groaning he pulled himself to him..shaking his arms he managed to croak out his name.."Odin.....wake up!" ..panic set in as he shook him some more..after what felt like forever he opened his eyes slowly...the coughing started...jareth watched him cough so hard he thought he may collapse again...magicking up some water he sipped some then held it to his brother's mouth...
"What the hell just happened?" Odin gasped...trying to catch his breath..."how long have we been lying here?"
"That Crystal...it was cursed" jareth muttered screwing his face up as he winced in pain..
"Who would possess such a crystal?" Odin replied...
"Someone who wants to destroy your world your highness" came a deep voice...looking round ,not knowing who had answered..the brothers looked confused..in a weakened state they were not prepared for strangers..
" when you let go of love..you let in anger jareth" came the voice....but now an elderly man..slowly moving closer..made himself known.."I believe you are looking for me...and you do not have much time,if only the girl had never met you jareth...this would nor be happening" he spoke slowly and carefully.
"What do you mean?" Came his angst filled voice..
"You allowed the world's to collide...you allowed the anger in...now you need to dispel it" was the reply...spoken so simply.
"You know how old man?"the king asked disbelieving...
" yes" was all he said.
whats said is said
Fanfictionmy idea of what happened after the final hours...disclaimer..I own nothing to do with th labyrinth franchise..this is just my ideas