Welcome to the Feminam Bellator Tribu Supernaturalis (Part 2)

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Autumn-Rose's POV
January 6th, 2015 11:00am

   I sat on the ground by the run down ballet bars and started to make little snowflakes. How's Norman doing? Chandler? Mingus? Wait, why am I worrying about them? From what I've seen about them they're probably stoned and drunk all the time. I thought as I continued to make snowflakes.
   "MOON STOP STEALING MY STUFF!" I heard Beca shout from a different corner of the room. From the short time I've been here I've picked up a few things. 

1- Don't  snoop on other people, it'll end badly.
2- Don't enter a conversation that you weren't invited to join in.
3- Don't cause drama. We all need to stick together and be a team.

    "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? YOUR STUFF WAS ON MY SIDE, MAKING IT MINE NOW!" Moon shouted back. Oh yeah! The 4th thing I've picked up is if your stuff falls into someone else's section/area, they have a right to claim it. I'm don't think this is an official rule- come to think of it, I don't think anything I've noticed is an official rule. Just then I felt someone sit besides me.
   "Nice snowflakes Red." Edith said while looking at my snowflakes. "You do take pride in your craft. Even though you're a few years younger then me, I still admire you for that."
   "Thanks Edith. I've never had anyone 'admire' me before- that I know of." I responded.
   "What do you mean?" Edith asked with curiosity lacing through her words.
   "I came from an orphanage. All of the younger kids looked up to me as like a second mother. I guess I never took admiration into consideration." I responded.
   "Wait, you're from an orphanage? I thought Rebel said that she picked you up from your house?" She asked.
   "I was adopted." I responded with no emotion. All she did was nod before she walked away. Beca and Moon were still arguing over who's stuff it actually was and I was getting annoyed with it. With an easy look around the room you could see that they were sick of it also. While they  were still screaming, I looked at Moon. We had a similar facial structure, bone structure, eye shape and a few more things. What if I'm actually related to Moon? Maybe she is my twin. Wait, Miss Mariette never said anything about me having a twin. Autumn-Rose you are getting yourself worked up over nothing now stop it. I self-scolded. 

   Just then, the wooden door swung open and walked in Rebel, Jasmine and Kate. Kate and Jasmine started to whisper to Rebel and soon after Rebel nodded Jasmine and Kate ran over to their sections of the room and pulled out ear plugs? Kate then ran over to me and sat next to me.

   "Here" She said as she handed me a pair of bright pink ear plugs. 

   "You put them in your ears whenever Rebel goes to blow her whistle. If you don't, you'll most likely be deaf. Here, I'll put them in for you." She explained as she twisted the bright pink ear plug into both of my ears before doing the same to her ears but with neon orange ones. Figuring that she wouldn't be able to hear me I just decided to tap her shoulder and give her a thumbs up accompanied with a smile. Then without a warning, a loud shriek whisked around the room causing me to cringe and fall on my back. Good thing I was sitting down or I would've fallen right into the ballet bars. and probably would've broken either the ballet bars or my back. Probably both.

   "Sorry about that Red, I should've warned you." Kate whispered as Rebel began to yell.

    "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO? WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT THIS STUPID MADE RULE? IF SOMEONE'S STUFF ENDS UP IN YOUR AREA IT DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY BECOME YOURS! THE ONLY WAY THAT YOU CAN GET SOMETHING THAT WAS SOMEONE ELSE'S IS IF THEY GIVE IT TO YOU! NOW WHO'S WAS IT ORIGINALLY AND WHO TOOK IT?" She yelled as she looked at Moon and Beca. Moon mumbled out something inaudible so she had to repeat it but louder than before. It turns out Beca's beanie and a pair of her socks were on Moon's bed and Moon thought they were hers, next thing you know they were screaming at each other. I'm so glad I was the oldest in the orphanage by a long shot so none of this drama happened to me. -Well, there was crazy pants but we never had any disagreements unless you count her throwing me down a flight of stairs...

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