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A/N I decided i'm changing Y/N and Y/L/N to Annalise Stirling im so sorry if you wanted your name ( i'm not changing it in the past chapters. Probably when i'm finished with the book"

I RAN AFTER THEM. I don't know what went through my head but I had to see her face again. she was beautiful, I couldn't stop staring.

"excuse me i'd like to escort my tribute"
I asked a peacekeeper. He shook his head no but i walked past him anyway not caring about his answer

I stood behind one of the walls of the train station looking for a fast way to follow them. Then a tribute from district 8 saw an opportunity to escape and sprinted with all the energy they had left not knowing where they were going. When the two peacekeepers were gone trying to carry the struggling distraught boy back I ran in the van and faced the back so they wouldn't see my face. Then the doors closed

"Shit" i said under my breath "What's the matter pretty boy" i turn my head slightly look at the dark skinned boy, the district 11 male tribute. "You in the wrong cage?"

"No. This cage is delightful" i fake smiled and he ran up to me "get him reaper!" a boy spoke "I'll kill you right now!" Reaper held me by the collar of my blue button up shirt and stared at me dead in the eyes

"he'll do it too . He killed a peacekeeper back in 11, they never found who did it." A girl spoke, I assume she's from 11 too. "quiet Dill."

"Let's kill him now!" the boy stood behind him

"Yea what have we got to lose now?" A girl responds

"Y'all got family back at home? hurt him they'll kill them, then you" Annalise spoke. "Besides he's my mentor. I might need him"

"mender?" coral ( i believe her name is ) said

"men-tor. You all get one" i corrected

"and why does miss blueberry get special treatment? Why aren't our menders here?" she joked ( though it wasn't very funny ) as she walked up closer to Annalise

"Just not inspired I guess" She smirked up at me, when the van suddenly started to shake i grabbed on to Annalise who held on to her brother and this other girl from her district. I held on for as long as I could but i couldn't hold it anymore from the shaking, so I let go.

What the hell?! I look up at my surroundings and standing up. They're keeping them in a monkey house.

Annalise's POV

"hey you are you supposed to be in there" a guys from outside what looks to be a monkey cage

"hello? Can they hear me in there?" he again speaks asking the guy behind the camera

I look towards Coriolanus seeing he was having heavy breathing looking around.

"own it." i tell him.

He looks me in the eyes and grabs the white rose from my hand and put it behind my ear

"Can I introduce you to my neighbors"

I nodded. He grabbed my hand and i heard alex whispering my name telling her to get away from him. "Well that's not something you see everyday, they're holding hands." We walked over to the gates where we met a crowd of people but two little kids caught my eye.

"Hi, how do you do. My name is coriolanus snow. And this is my tribute. Annalise Stirling from district 12."

"Hi there, what's your name" I asked the little boy.

"My name is Pontius"

"It's nice to meet you. Is this your sister?"

"That's Venus, she's only four" Pontius responded

"Well I think four is a very smart age to be"

"Where'd you get that scar"

"Oh this is from a man that attacked me during the war, it hurt but i think it makes me look tough" making my voice deeper when i said 'tough'

"yea" she giggled

"Can I touch your dress?" Her smile got bigger.

"Of course. I like your dress too"

"Oh and who might you be" I say walking over to the man with a mic

"I- you don't know who i am? Don't laugh not everybody had televisions out in the districts." He tells the man behind the camera
"i'm Lucretius Lucky Flickerman, but most enticingly, who are you? Annalise from district 12"

"Well I was capitol born. but my dad stood with the districts so we were kicked out. guess the capitol brainwashed you to forget about us" I joked

"Hm, what did you say your last name was?" he said confused thinking. Looking at the face he thought looked familiar.


he opened his mouth and his eyes widened but before he could say anything I started a new conversation

"Have you met my mentor? Said his name is Coriolanus snow.Clearly i got the cream on the cake because no one else bothered to show."

"Ah mr Snow the game makers did tell you to jump in there did they?"
Flickerman asked

"Well they didn't tell me not to" Coriolanus said earning a small laugh from us all

"Well look like they're about to take you out" As he said that two peacekeeper grabbed his shoulders but i took his arm

"Hey bring us some food my brother and Claire hasn't ate since the reaping"

he nodded and I walked to Alex and Claire as they took him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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