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THREE DAYS. it's been three days since the reaping, and three days since we last ate anything all we ate was a small slice of stale bread.  It was all we had. the whole train ride i've been thinking of Joey and Heaven. i'm so worried about them, but i've also been thinking about Alex, Claire, and I. The past three days none of us had spoken to one other. We all stayed in our own corner. Sleeping most of the time. the cargo suddenly stopped and the door flung open. Two peacekeepers we're standing there

"Come out now, You're at the capitol now" one of them spoke he had tan skin and a bruise on his right eye

"GET OUT NOW" the other one yelled he was more pale and looked more tough. Alex got up from his corner and Claire and I followed, Alex jumped down and raised his arms as much as he could to carry us down one at a time.

I smoothed down my corset and my feathered dress with different blue shades then brushed my fingers through my brown long waves. i must have looked a mess I thought. I look down at my mother's ring 'Please help get through this mom' I said in my head. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and I turn and saw a boy around my age. he was one gorgeous capitol boy.

Coriolanus's POV

There she was. her hair shining in the sunlight that was blasting through the long opening in the roof of the train station. her small hands and slim fingers brushing through her hair. I thought about what Tigris had told me. "I wouldn't listen to you if I was her. I would want to make sure there's still a chance of hope for her and her family. Help her feel that"

"How am i supposed to do that?" I asked frowning my eyebrows
"Get her to trust you, you might have a lot more in common than you think. Just because she's district does not mean shes any different from us. Imagine it was you who had to fight me and your best friend? Wouldn't you want to feel there's some sort of way at least me and you could get out of it together?"

I come back from my thoughts and tapped on her shoulder. She was beautiful her gorgeous hazel eyes glowing. She had a big scar on her left cheek and she frowned her eye brows in confusion

I smiled " I'm Coriolanus Snow. Welcome to the capitol" handing her a beautiful white rose from my Grandma'ma.


He looks so majestic with his flowy locks. Wait what am I talking about?! He's a capitol boy, you cant trust him. He may be gorgeous but he'd probably kill you.

I step back from him with a scared look "Oh, no im not gonna hurt you. I'm actually your mentor."
"mentor? And what does my mentor do besides bring me roses?" I make a joke hoping it would distract him from my horrified look

"I do my best to take care of you" he laughs. Gosh his laugh was so cute. I grab the rose and feel a hand on my shoulder. It was alex
"Who's this?" he asks "He's my mentor" I smile up at the capitol boy. But he's already smiling at me, not even noticing my brother " Do I get a mentor?"

"Yes you all get one. I just wanted to get a head start on getting to know Y/N.

"Well come on sis the peace keepers are rounding up the tributes in that van" i look up at him and he was staring at Coriolanus who was staring back

"Come on!" A peace keeper garbed me and alex by the collar of our clothes leaving snow standing alone in the train station.

655 words

I tried writing more than the last chapter because I took so long to upload. I didn't do a spelling check on this chapter so i apologize. I started school again so I might take days to upload. I also might change Y/N to an actual name but i am moot gonna change it in the chapters so if your reading this later on just know that its not some new character.

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