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Michael's POV

I was pacing the waiting room, She was going to be okay, she only tumbled down a whole flight of stairs. Fuck. I gripped my hair hard. Of course she's not okay. She had a huge gash above her eyebrow now. I need to tell her the truth. If anything happens to her, she needs to know. I can't believe how stupid I was. I've done some bad things to her, but only to make her mine. I'm fucking stupid.

"Michael." Ali's mom called.


"She's stable and asleep but she keeps mumbling your name, you go on back okay?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Go on Michael."

I get up and walk to Ali's room. Walking along the corridor I began to think. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I told her the truth? On one note it could end up devastating, on the other it could be perfect, and we go on and live our lives together. As I approached her room, I knew what I was going to do.

There was a chair placed beside her bed. I sat down and grabbed her hand.

"Ali I know you're sleeping but baby, we need you to wake up." I spoke softly.

"I need to tell you something Ali. I want us to start over. I want you to forget every horrible thing I've done to you. But in order for you to forget, I need to tell you what I did." I took a pause, This was harder than I thought.

"Ali, you may think we moved through pretty fast but the thing is, I've known you for a while, and I have loved you for a while, a long while. You see we use to be very good friends, back when we were little. Back when your dad was still around. Back before you met Mads, it was you and me. We were neighbors, next door neighbors. We were best friends. You always wondered why you mum accepted me, it's because she knows me, or well knew me. Even though we were little she knew we'd end up together somehow. But Ali, that's not why I'm here talking to you. I've screwed your life up so bad, I ruined your future. I know how the drugs got into your system." Her hand twitched. Her hand twitched. Is she waking up?

"Michael?" She whispered softly.

"I'm here."

"What happened?"

"You were coming down the stairs at your house and you fell down the stairs. You were bleeding badly and you weren't responding."

"I don't remember that."

"What do you remember?"

"I remember you."

"What do you mean?" I gave her a quizzical look.

"The red bike."

The red bike...


She was sitting on the handle bars of my new red bike. Mum just got it for me and we took it for a ride.

"Faster Mikey!" She laughed.

"Ali I'm going as fast as I can." I shouted as I pedaled to my hearts content.

We were going so fast, it came out of nowhere. We were going down the street and a car ran the stop sign. The car tried to stop but hit the back tire of the bike and we crashed.

Our mum's came out running screaming our names. Ali laid a few feet away from me motionless on the ground.

I crawled on my hand and knees over to her, I pulled her into my lap and started crying.

"Ali wake up!" I cried shaking her a bit.

"Michael! Ali!" Our mum's shouted.

"Mom! she won't wake up. Ali won't wake up!" I screamed.

*End Flashback*

"You, you remember that?" I said.

"I didn't before. I never knew that happened to me, there's a whole bunch of things that flooded my mind." She said.

"Ali, I'm willing to help you out, but I need to tell you something. I need to be honest with you."

"Then be honest with me."

"We've known each other since we were five. We were best friends. When you got Daisy, you asked me to help you think of names. There is so much that happened between us." I confess

"Why did you stop speaking to me. We never spoke after the accident."

"After the accident, the doctors said that there was damage done to your brain but we wouldn't know the full extent until you woke up. Your mum kept us updated on you, and turned out you had amnesia, they had no idea how much you would remember, if anything at all. Turns out, you didn't remember anything. I asked if I could see you and your mum wouldn't let me. She said you'd be better off without me. Then when we were about to start high school my mum and I ended up moving back to Australia, because her job wanted her back there." I tell her.

"So you're telling me that we've known each other our whole life basically?"

"Basically. But you never remembered."

"When did the bike accident happen?" She asked.

"We were thirteen"

"And you went two years without talking to me?"

"Your mum took you out of public school and put you in that private school, where you met mads."

I could tell she was about to cry. That's the last thing I wanted.

"Why did this happen to me?"

"Ali there's more."

"How could there possibly be anything more." She cried.

"Ali I know how the drugs got into your system."

"You do?"

I was about to tell her when her mum came in.

"You're awake!" Her mum said.

"Yes mom I'm awake." Ali said.

"Well, I should go, I'll call you later to check up on you, yeah?"

She nodded, I got up to walk out of the room.

"Mikey..." she said softly.

"Yeah?" I turned around to face her.

"I think...never mind. Thank you. For being here."

"I'd do anything for you Ali." I said and walked out.


SURPRISE! a new chapter within a week, and Michael's P.O.V.?! Like what.

Anyways to you faithful readers, can you guys give me some feedback? Like vote or comment, which ever you'd like to do. I would really appericate it. 

I have more surprises coming soon. so be ready.

xoxo, Ryah.

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