Chapter 61-70

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Chapter 61

Lu Chen's life experience?

Meng Yinyin was surprised for a moment, and the confusion in her heart inevitably deepened.

She had been in the southern suburbs brigade for so long, and after experiencing what happened with Lu Chen in taking everything that belonged to him out of Lu Dashan's hands, she thought she had a very clear understanding of Lu Chen's life experience.

As a result, when Dong Qingcheng said this now, it seemed as if there was something else she didn't know.

Could it be that Lu Chen was hiding something from himself? But even if he really was hiding something, how would the person in front of him know?

The balance in Meng Yinyin's heart was shaking, but she finally decisively chose to believe in Lu Chen.

"I will ask him about Lu Chen's matters myself. If this comrade has nothing to do, he should go back first."

Dong Qingcheng didn't expect Meng Yinyin to give such an answer. He thought he would ask him about relevant things out of curiosity.

Each of these two people exceeded his expectations.

However, Dong Qingcheng didn't really want to tell Meng Yinyin about the relevant matters. After all, the matter was not clear yet. If he told her, it would probably cause unnecessary trouble. As for why he came to Meng Yinyin , that is naturally......

"Comrade Dong!"

As expected, Lu Chen's deep voice came from the yard.

Dong Qingcheng raised his head and looked over, and successfully saw Lu Chen standing there staring at him, his eyes dark and filled with warning.

Dong Qingcheng shrugged at him and said deliberately to Lu Shen.

"Since you don't want to talk to me, I can only talk to your family. Anyway, as your family, she should have the right to know."

"But when the time comes, I'm not sure if I'll accidentally say something wrong."

Otherwise, he would have no choice but to harass Meng Yinyin all the time.

Dong Qingcheng knew that it was shameful for him to do this, but he couldn't control that much anymore.

They have been searching for the truth for more than 20 years. There is an opportunity in front of him. He must seize it and try his best to solve the mystery!

The two people's eyes were silently competing in the air.

Dong Qingcheng was betting on how much Lu Chen cared about this Meng Zhiqing in front of him.

Finally, when he saw Lu Chen said hello to him in a deep voice, he knew that he had made the right bet, and he couldn't help but let out a silent sigh of relief.

Meng Yinyin looked at Dong Qingcheng from the left and Lu Chen from the right, having no idea what they were talking about.

Lu Chen came over and said to Meng Yinyin, "You go in to eat first, and I'll have a few words with him."

It was obvious that the two of them had something to say, but Meng Yinyin didn't say anything more and just turned around and went into the house to eat.

After her figure disappeared, Lu Chen called Dong Qingcheng and walked out.

He took him to a bamboo forest not far from home. There was no one around, so it was a good place to talk.

After standing still, Dong Qingcheng restrained his previous shameless expression and spoke to Lu Chen seriously.

"I'd like to apologize to you and that Meng Zhiqing for what happened just now, but Lu Chen, please understand my painstaking efforts. Our Dong family has been looking for my aunt for many years, and I must figure this out."

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