Chapter 31-40

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Chapter 31

Is it related to Lu Chen?

Upon hearing this, not to mention Meng Yinyin, even Meng Xuan became serious. Then both of them pricked up their ears and listened carefully to what Wang Chengwu had to say.

Seeing this, Wang Chengwu stopped wasting time and quickly told Meng Yinyin and Meng Xuan some of the details he had found out during this period.

Speaking of which, this matter actually has something to do with Meng Yinyin. After all, if he hadn't taken the opportunity to visit Meng Yinyin when he and his sister-in-law Lu Xiujuan returned to their parents' home last time, he probably wouldn't have discovered anything strange about the Lu family. place.

The strangest thing about the Lu family is that their ancestors were poor farmers for three generations, but they suddenly had money to build a magnificent yard.

That time he asked Lu Xiujuan casually, but what he got was her eyes flashing and a guilty reaction. Wang Chengwu realized that the truth about this matter might not be simple.

In order to prevent Lu Xiujuan's family's affairs from affecting his own family, Wang Chengwu was trying his best to investigate the truth for a while.

Unexpectedly, after a period of hard work, he actually found some clues, and these clues were personally pried out from his eldest sister-in-law Lu Xiujuan.

After Lu Xiujuan married into their family, perhaps because of her personality, she was extra cautious towards the Wang family, as if she was afraid that she would be scolded and disliked if she did something wrong.

But in fact, the Wang family members all have pretty good personalities. Although Wang's mother, Ms. Zhao Shufen, occasionally utters a few words, she just talks casually and doesn't take them seriously.

But she couldn't stand it. Lu Xiujuan was too sensitive and had low self-esteem. She couldn't even listen to an unsatisfactory word. She cried whenever she heard it and felt uncomfortable, making a face of being bullied.

It was okay once or twice, and everyone could persuade her and comfort her, but once more times, they already felt that they were not suitable for each other, and it was a problem to continue living together.

Therefore, the old couple of the Wang family are already thinking about whether to pack up another house and let the eldest son and Lu Xiujuan move out. In this way, both parties can avoid some differences in personality. friction.

However, this would be a bit unfair to the second son. After all, they have two sons. Unfortunately, they only have one extra house. Logically speaking, they rely on the eldest son to provide for their old age. Now this big house It is more suitable for the eldest couple to live in. When the second eldest brother gets married, they will be allowed to live in the smaller house.

But in the current situation, there are indeed some things that are beyond everyone's expectation.

In the end, the couple thought about it. The second child hadn't found a suitable partner for so long. Finally, he met someone who was willing to get in touch with him. However, they rejected him. They didn't know how long they would have to wait for him to get married.

So they thought that maybe they could let the eldest couple move out first, and wait until the second son gets married. At least the immediate trouble would be solved first.

So the old couple planned to talk to their two sons first to see if they were willing. If they had no objections, they would follow this method first.

The two sons of the Wang family are both obedient and filial, and the relationship between the two brothers has always been very good, so they both directly agreed to their parents' proposal without any hesitation or complaint.

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