Chapter 71-80

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Chapter 71

The atmosphere in the yard suddenly changed. Lu Dashan looked at this and that. Although he felt a little strange, he could only give up because he couldn't figure out the reason. He suspected that it might be because the other party didn't know him.

Realizing this, Lu Dashan naturally couldn't let go of such an opportunity to gain favor with the Dong family.

While the Dong family had not yet reacted to his identity, Lu Dashan continued to speak with a smile.

"Oh, I don't know if I'll disturb you if I suddenly come to my door. If it disturbs you guys, I'd like to say I'm sorry in advance."

"But I did come today because I have something to talk to Lu Chen about, but I just don't know..."

When he said this, he paused deliberately for a moment, as if he was waiting for the Dong family to subconsciously reply to him whether Lu Chen was there or not.

When most people heard this, they did reply, "Lu Chen is not at home."

But in fact, the Dong family knew very well that as a member of the brigade, it was impossible for Lu Dashan not to know that this was the time to start work, so since he deliberately pretended to be stupid, he must have his own purpose.

In this case, they can cooperate and see what kind of medicine he is selling in his gourd.

When he heard that the Dong family subconsciously replied that Lu Chen was not here, Lu Dashan was secretly happy, and then deliberately made an expression of extreme embarrassment and said hesitantly.

"Oh, why is he not at home? How should I pay him back the money..."

Lu Dashan's brows furrowed tightly.

"If I don't pay back the money, maybe what will people outside say about me? Hey, I hope Lu Chen won't think too much about it, thinking that I didn't pay back the money on purpose."

Look, this tone, as well as the words in these words, the word "again" and the word "think too much", there is a message everywhere, that is, Lu Chen is a coward, likes to think wildly, and thinks the worst of people. people.

Especially since Lu Dashan just named him as Lu Chen's uncle, now he heard that Lu Chen wanted Lu Dashan to pay back the money, and he seemed to have a bad attitude towards Lu Dashan.

When outsiders heard this, they would think that this younger generation, Lu Chen, had a bad temper.

If the Dong family really met Lu Chen for the first time today and knew the relationship between Lu Chen and Lu Dashan for the first time, they would definitely involuntarily step into Lu Dashan's role and condemn or blame Lu Chen.

It's a pity that the Dong family knew about the relationship between Lu Chen and Lu Dashan before they came, and even what happened between them had been investigated clearly.

Therefore, Lu Dashan's act of applying eye drops to Lu Chen in front of the Dong family was undoubtedly a clown.

However, the Dong family members still held back, pretending not to know anything, and following Lu Dashan's expectations, showing expressions of surprise and disbelief.

"Well, aren't you Comrade Lu Chen's uncle? Why are you still asked to pay back the money?"

Isn't this question exactly what he wants?

Lu Dashan didn't expect that his plan would go so smoothly, so he immediately spoke out all the words he had thought up at home.

"Hey, I'm not afraid of your jokes. My nephew Lu Chen and I actually had too many misunderstandings. He didn't believe me because of some things and was resentful of me. But in fact, those were accidents and not him. Just like I imagined, I wanted to explain, but he didn't listen..."

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