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Everyone was having a sleepover at the middle of the castle! Yippe:D!

SMG3 was taking care of eggdog in SMG4's room, Brushing him and putting him to sleep on SMG4's bed, he got out of the room and went to go play games with the gang

of course THAT LITTLE SHIT TV HAD TO BE THE- anyways,The gang played Mario cart, just Mario games

1:23 AM

everyone was tired and there was a lot of trash/food on the ground, meggy and tari already fell asleep,

Bob was being...bob,

SMG3 taking care of eggdog (again,

Smg4 watching his memes,

Mario eating spaghetti, Mr puzzles with Mario

saiko being herself

Melony? ASLEEP.

Luigi, Asleep as well

They were all doing their things until SMG3 got up and went to put Eggdog to sleep in smg4's room. SMG4 followed to show SMG3 a meme, As soon as they got in, eggdog began to bark at beeg4

"HEY! YOU DONT GET TO BARK AT MY CHILD >:(" SMG4 yelled so mad he made this face '>:(' SMG3 got mad a well making this face '>:0' "NEVER YELL AT MY CHILD >:0"


Eggdog barking

SMG4 yelling at 3

Smg3 yelling at 4

Beeg4 saying illegal things

SMG3 got very mad and got very close to SMG4's face to scream him more, Mr puzzles had enough of their them, He hold Mario a plan to shut them up


SMG3 n SMG4 kept yelling at each other, while Mario secretly enter the room, Mario gave Eggdog a bone and made him fall asleep, putting them to sleep, Mario threatened to give beeg4 a bath if he doesn't shut up(it works, SOMEHOW?) but Mario also put him to sleep, now for the big job, shutting the boyfrie- BEST FRIENDS up..

Mario Secretly went behind Smg4 and pushed him to SMG3 then quickly ran out of the room and back to mr puzzles, Leaving them both behind..


SMG3 pulls away blushing so hard his face is a tomato. SMG4 was in total shock. He can't believe, THEY can't believe they kissed..they looked at each other awkwardly, Smg3 decided to speak up.

"I..that was a mistake right?" SMG3 said nervously. SMG4 nodded and blushes softly. They don't look at each other for a bit. Before looking at each other again.

"We are never talking about this ever again. You hear me? Or else I'm feeding you to eggdog!" SMG3 said angrily before walking away back to his sleepy bag still blushing heavily.

SMG4 was still processing what happened, They kiss. But they hate each other. And. He liked it? SMG4 walked to his sleepy bag and tried to sleep the rest of the night.

SMG3 was writing in his notebook.
"SMG4 kissed me! But why do I kinda liked it.. I should ask him to go on a date with me..no. 4 will definitely say no."

SMG3 smiles and draws a picture of him and SMG4 before going to sleep. Also smg4 fell asleep as well


Mario and mr puzzles were happy that they made smg43 canon(in this wattpad book), Mario got a little too excited that he grabbed puzzles tv head and pulled him for a kiss then passed out asleep-

Mr puzzles was BRIGHT ASS RED . Anyways he catch's Mario before he even hit the ground, placed him in his sleepy bag, watching him cutely >_<

"hmm..what an idiot he is."



So silly, SMG43 and marware was mentioned in one chapter

Felt so silly

Felt so silly

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