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This is so skibidi toilet guys!!!!

This is so skibidi toilet guys!!!!

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Felt so silly writing this!


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it was a normal day until a monster decided to ruin it, what a good time to start the day. The monster was HELLA big. Mr puzzles had to get his 5 stars in order to become bigger and hold back the monster

Meggy tari and Bob had their weapons, smg1 and smg2 were trying to think what kind of monster it was. Bringing their USB's. smg4 and smg3 were forced to hold hands, but they didn't want to become they are having a bad day. they were pretty mad at each other.

"Come on! You guys have to work together!" Smg1 and Smg2 got ready to attack, Smg4 and smg3 finally held hands, using memes on Mario, the monster was fighting back. Smg4 was squeezing smg3's hand roughly, Smg3 kicks smg4's leg. They begin to fight.

"DUDE! Stop kicking me!", "Then stop holding my hand so roughly!", "do you think I want to hold your hand?" And all that. Mr puzzles was struggling to hold back, losing his balance. Smg1 sighed. "FIRE!", The rest of the crew begin to shoot at the monster.

"It's not the perfect time to fight!" SMG1 stops them, smg3 and smg4 goes back holding hands, using the memes on mario(injecting), as Mario was going to attack as well, Smg3 thought it would be a good idea to let go of smg4's hand and throw bombs at the monster, that's what he did.

Mario shrink back to his normal size, luckily meggy catches him(somehow)
the monster breaks out of Mr puzzles balance. The monster tries to stab the crew, luckily they dodged, Mr puzzles tried to hold back the monster again but the monster ended up stabbing Mr puzzles screen.

the monster tried to stab the smg's, Smg1 and smg2 got out of the way, SMG4 pushed SMG3 out of the way so he wouldn't get hit. But smg4 ended up getting hit. Smg4 was sent back, hitting a tree. Bleeding rapidly.

"SMG4!!!" Smg3 tried to run to get Smg4. But the monster grabbed SMG3. The monster tries to eat smg3 (3 couldn't move.), until Mr puzzles grabs onto the monster again, trying to held him back so the crew can go back to shooting it (Mr puzzles is now blind)

The monster let's go of smg3, Smg3 didn't care if he got hurt, he ran towards smg4, checking up on him. "SMG4! Please wake up! I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you!" The rest of the crew dropped their weapons and checked up on smg4.

The monster bit onto Mr puzzles tv head and tried to rip it out. Mr puzzles ends up pushing the monster away, the monster grabs Mr puzzles by his tv head and begins to smash it to the ground a lot of times, breaking his screen, the monster kicks Mr puzzles to the forest

Mr puzzles shrinks back into his normal size. And hits a tree WAY WAY WAY back in the forest.

Smg4 begins to wake up. He was behind a tree. Hidden. Smg3 was putting bandages around him to cover up the bleeding. "I'm doing this because...because I'm your friend. I don't want to lose you. Not how I lost Terrance." Smg4 smiles and they both hold hands again, they injects Mario with more memes again and Mario became BIGGGGG >:3

Mario was able to hold the monster down. The rest begins to shoot at it. Smg1 and smg2 forces the monster inside their USB's, and they put a silly bomb around it, as the monsters gets stuck in the USB, it explodes. They all celebrate that they finally defeated the monster after all.

They were happy that smg4 survived, smg4 was taken back to the castle to heal up.

Mario leaves the castle and looks around the forest. He finds Mr puzzles broken. His screen is cracked. His speakers are broken, his body looks like it's been shot 266888 times, Mario picks up puzzles and takes him to his house.

There, Luigi fixed Mr puzzles, hes screen is repaired, his speakers r working, and his body is covered in bandaids (Mario's idea) Mario was happy to have his gorgeous bf back, hugged him so tight that Mr puzzles felt his bones break

Mario takes Mr puzzles to the bedroom and watches tv on his screen the rest of the night.

Smg4 was finally healing, the rest of the crew went home, Smg3 stayed behind and took care of smg4, as they both headed off to sleep, smg3 kissed smg4 on da forehead as a "good night kiss", "ily smg3.", "i love you too.. baka >:|" they both cuddle and went to sleep

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